Midi controller - Launch Control XL

Hey guys,

So i’d like to use my launch control xl to control the master page of the DT similar this vid:

In the manual I found the CC values for the levels of each track, though I’m not sure how the DT can distinguish for which track the midi data is for.

Can anyone shed some light on this?


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Ok found it, I need to vary the midi channels obviously.



I’m also looking forward to creating Launch Control and LCXL templates, once my Digitakt arrives. Can’t wait!

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I want to achieve the same thing…
Use my Lauchcontrol XL to control the DT.
I started with the OT Setup and then looked up the manual for the correct controller numbers.

As I have an OT and a DT I changed the midi setup in the DT
to MIDI Channels 9 - 16 for Tracks 1 - 8 and AutoChannel 8

For the first attempt I only looked for CC7 = Volume for the MIDI Channels 9 - 16

I uploaded the config and tested it on the DT… Only Track 4 receives the Volume Info… Hmmmm :disappointed_relieved:

I did not find a way to set the autochannel within the Lauchcontrol Editor… Maybe this is not necessary for that…

Can somebody enlighten me what I am doing wrong?
I want that mute and solo buttons and some effect and filter stuff mapped…


Trying this out today.

Get Amp Level to receive midi but the Track Level ignores it. Have others had any luck?

Ohh it was a typo in an older version of the documentation.

Apparently it should be 95 instead of 99.

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Thats great news, i had the same issue.

I dont have acces to launchcontrol until august. Sorry mate

can a Launchcontrol or XL be connected directly thru the USB port to the DT ?
or do you Guys use midi and a converter ?

the vid is using a kenton box.
ive setup both bcr2000 and beat step pro , both have midi outputs
i tried an ipad plugged in via camera kit and it worked , using krft app but i havent delved into patchbase/touchosc etc etc.

I’ve been using a FaderFox UC44 to control the DT:

  • For each track:
    • Track Level
    • Delay send & Reverb send
    • Mute & Solo
  • Global:
    • Delay level
    • Delay feedback
    • Reverb level

One downside of the DT’s MIDI implementation is that it does not output these settings on MIDI out, so an encoder based controller can’t “keep up”. For example, if you recall a pattern, resetting the delay and reverb sends, the controller doesn’t learn where they are.

It does send track level - if you alter it from the Level knob on the left. If you alter them on the master page, or if they change from pattern load - these changes aren’t reflected in MIDI out, so the again the controller looses sync.

I’m also experimenting with a Korg nanoKontrol - but that will trade off functionality for size.


I use an iconnectivity audio 4+ that works as a usb host as well…
But it is a pita to setup.
You never know what will happen if you plugin another usb device to control…
For me it often ends in nervous breakdowns and endless restarting usb hub sessions until I get it working again. :rage:
I wish there was an alternative to the crappy iconnectivity …
The control software is a joke and nothing to get around well with…

I’ve used an iconnectmidi 4+ with a usb hub and a bunch of devices for years and it’s worked without a hitch, there might be something up with the hub or the config? It should work solid…

should is the word :slight_smile:
It works as long as I leave it untouched… The moment I add an usb device there is a good chance it takes a good while before I get it to be stable again…
THis has a lot to do with the painful software and the routing of the midi signal… It is unintuitive and does not make use of modern UI possibilities… The could quite easy build in an interactive routing bay… but those endless square routing graphics I look on since 1,5 years make still no sense to me.

I use a Raspberry Pi3 as the midi host.


ok, so no direct to USB then. Would have been handy.
But i begin to understand: it would require a host device and the DT is not.

i finally have that Kenton box somewhere lying around.
But it becomes cumbersome. Another wallwart to add to start with.
All the cabling becomes a real mess .

ohoh, that faderfox device looks VERY appealing. ( though my wallet is in fear now)
good to know on the level control. thanks, mzero.
in fact do i set my tracklevels from the tracks and not the master.
so a good reason to NOT change that habbit :wink:

Check out the smaller UC4, and your wallet will tremble a little less. If you’re just controlling DT, the UC44 is a bit overkill.

Edit: Marked for removal.

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very late to this whole discussion but…

Is there a good resource kicking around to teach me how to use the pi as a midi host?
Would be a great way for me to get some use out of mine haha

Yep, an automatic cc “dump” option ( when loading a pattern or reloading from temp memory ) would be fuc…g great