Midi dummy with a noob question

Battling midi again. Have Keystep out > OT in. Have OT Midi out > Midi solutions quadra thru in (1 in 4 out)
Have an analog solutions Leipzig S attached to midi out. Keystep I change to midi 1, Leipzig S is on midi one. I can send midi notes by the OT on Track 1, midi 1 to the Quadra Thru. However I can’t play the keystep on midi 1 and pass it through to the Leipzig.

Auto channel off on the OT and all Trig channels off. I tried setting Trig channel 1 to 1 also.


Do you have one of the audiotracks set to midi channel 1 also? Try a different miditrack channel. Set the miditrack channel to track 9. Set the keystep and ext synth to midichannel 9 also. You cant have a audiotrack and miditrack set to the same channel.

Not sure what you mean by audio track on same channel. They aren’t related, one is audio and one is midi. Confused.

Changed keystep to the MIDI channel Octatrack Auto channel was using. Then put track 1 to midi 1 and it’s all set. I’m not sure about the other channels though. Meaning what is TRIG Channel used for in the midi channels section. Should they be set to off? Say I have a peak on midi 2. I still use midi 1 on my keystep, but config a track on the Octatrack to midi 2 then select that to play the peak. Sh*t is confusing.

You want the keystep’s MIDI to pass through the OT and to the Leip? Shouldn’t you be using the OT’s Physical MIDI Thru port instead? That port just passes MIDI messages it receives on the IN, without processing. The Out port is for stuff the OT is explicitly programmed to send.

Hi Mekohler, just trying to figure this out. I have a ton of stuff attached to OT.
I have Keystep > OT Midi in as mentioned and OT Midi out > 1 in 4 thru midi box. I have everything else attached to that midi box on the outs.

I want to be able to control the other devices from the keystep, through the OT.

So I should run the midi thru on the OT to the midi in on the midi splitter?


thie audiotracks respond to midi channel messages too.for example I control the volumes of the audiotracks via midi from my ipad.

In your midisettings you can see the channels the audiotracks respond to. Default that is midichannel 1-8. So if you set a miditracks channel to track 1 also, it will eat the midi from the keystep because it thinks your using it to control audiotrack 1. This can be confusing I know. Just set the miditracks to a different midichannel.
Midithru will also work, but you wouldnt be able to use the octatracks midi arp or record midinotes and ccs.
Third option is to use the autochannel, which always controls the selected track, both audio or midi

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You need to go.
OT MIDI OUT > Quadura Thru MIDI IN
Quardra Thru to whatever else.

No need for auto channel.

Use a Midi Track for each external device you’re going to, set a unique channel for them.
Now your Keystep will play each device depending on which channel you’re sending on from the Keystep.
You can also use the Keystep to record into the OT sequencer.

As stated, you cannot share a midi channel on audio tracks and midi tracks.
Go into the midi settings for audio tracks and either turn them off, or make sure you’re not sharing channels.

To elaborate a bit further on midi.
On the OT:
Midi IN, receives whatever you’re sending to it.
Midi THRU, passes along whatever is going to the IN port.
Midi OUT, sends midi data from the OT’s sequencer, knobs etc. (if you use a Midi Track, and set a channel, it will pass midi through that channel.)

Just trying to understand the midi / audio thing.
When the midi button is off, you have your audio (thru) or flex tracks. I’m not aware of a midi setting in the audio track (thru) track if that’s what you mean.

This is how I have it setup.
OT MIDI OUT > Quadura Thru MIDI IN
Quardra Thru to whatever else.

I thought if I put auto channel to 1 and my keystep to 1, then Midi Track 1 = Leipzig Midi Track 2 = peak, etc… then the keystep just needs to be on 1 and if I want to use the Leipzig, I press the Midi 1 track on the OT and if I want to use the Peak, I select midi channel 2

Rather than change the midi channel on the keystep.

Do I have this backwards, or will both ways work?

You understand, but autochannel needs to be unique, so if you’re not using channel 15 for anything else, use 15.
Then choose ch15 on the Keystep, and selecting tracks on the OT will work.

As for the Audio Midi preferences.
This is in the same menu as autochannel I believe.
You see the audio tracks midi channel number below.
This menu is for choosing which channel your audio track parameters send and receive midi.

Man, this is so confusing I’m depressed. Drives me nuts not knowing WTF I’m doing.

What I want to be able to do is use my keystep to play the sub 37 if I want and the Leipzig if I want and also be able to sequence midi notes to the sub 37 and the Leipzig as well.

So I’ll setup Auto channel to 15 and then set the trig channels to all off, correct? Trig channel is audio?

Yes, youre doing it right. Autochannel 15, Keystep channel 15, set midichannels to control sub37 channel 1 and leipzig channel 2.

Set in midi menu trig channel all to off, so they wont conflict with the miditracks.

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For me I like changing channels using my keyboard, dont like using auto channel on the OT.
It confused me at first as well.
It as if auto channel was made for controller that only send on one channel.

One you understand this, ti will make sense.
On the OT:
Midi IN, receives whatever you’re sending to it.
Midi THRU, passes along whatever is going to the IN port.
Midi OUT, sends midi data from the OT’s sequencer, knobs etc. (if you use a Midi Track, and set a channel, it will pass midi through that channel.)

Think of channels like isolated lanes of information.

So I need to re-read all of this again. How do I enable just changing synths via the keyboard? Turn auto channel off? Then I can use the keystep to change synths? What about the audio tracks? All off?

From another post not mine.

Try this.
In that menu you posted, turn all that stuff to off

Hook everything up one device at a time like you have been, (you could even skip the quardrathur for now, troubleshoot)
On the OT, crate a midi track, AND set the channel on that midi track to match the device.

Can you play it from the keystep on that channel, and sequence it from the OT?

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Thanks for the help man. All good.