Midi Foot Controller Question

It’s a SYSEX, probably recognize by Yamaha gear only. Changing tempo wouldn’t change your Start problem. But sending a regular Start message with the MFC10 should work.

The midi buddy is probably faulty. I’d check what it really sends with a midi monitor.

Actually I tried another configuration and it works, but It won’t be my setup. Here what I did: I let my minilogue to be master clock then with a midi merge (midisports 2x2) I merged the mknilogue and the midibuddy midi signals to the DT, and it actually starts immediately…

On the DT, what if you disable Clock Receive?

Edit : @Eb82 I made a test with OT and A4.

If A4 Clock Receive is checked, it waits for clock and don’t start with when I press Start on OT, with transport only.
A4 starts if I disable its Clock Receive or send clock.

Should work simiilarly with DT, check Transport Receive only.

I just tried. If I disable clock receive… Nothing happens… It doesnt starts at all. To say the truth I tried the midibuddy directly in the minilogue too, and it works better: the sequencer start after 1 second… I think I have to merge the pedal board with something which can send midi clock too, but I need something cheap, beacause it’ s crazy to spend hundreds when I just need to push a play button… I didnt think that this simple thing would be so difficult… and at the moment I’m not sure if it’s possible

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I’m pretty sure it is!

Try MidiBuddy directly in DT (no merger), with Transport Receive only (Clock Receive Off). Should work.

If it doesn’t it is not normal and I’d check midi cables and MidiBuddy out with a midi monitor.

Ok, maybe I’m missing something… Transport receive only means that I only have to disable midi clock receive? I did… but it doesnt work… Midybuddy works with minilogue and I just tried with korg monotribe… well it work with it too… But with the digitakt… nothing

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It is surprising. Start is a common midi message, and it seems to work with all Elektrons I have. It would be interesting to ask to other Digitakt users if it’s possible to start the sequencer with a midi START message, with Transport Receive checked, Clock Receive unchecked.

No need. Part of the issue here is that those two controls on previous Elektron instruments are combined into a single setting on the DT and DN.

Therefore if a user wants to control transport from external unit they also need to supply clock signals from an external source.

These recent posts have been split off from another topic in which @Eb82 raised the problem with the Digitakt:

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Sorry, maybe it’s because of this?

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Did it change in an update?
Why did they removed it? :sketchy:
The Transport option was in my older Digitakt manual…

Newer manual :

@Eb82 So if it doesn’t work with Clock Reveive unchecked, I guess it’s not possible to start/stop Dt/DN with transport messages without midi clock.

I don’t have time right now to find the historical details, but your manual is out-of-date. Look at the most recent version and read the topic that @Eb82 linked to above.

Edit: see some information in the topic from which these recent posts were split off:

Yes that’s what I did after reading your previous post, and seeing my older manual! I added a screenshot of the most recent above.

I ‘m afraid so… Well… I don’ t really know how to do that… without spend a lot of money to buying something with an internal clock just to push a play button into DT… Well maybe I’ll sell the DT

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@Eb82 and others. From my experimenting, with my rytm in this case (but should be applicable to digitakt), definitely need a foot controller to send midi clock. That being said, and more as an aside, even though clock is sent from controller, it doesn’t mean the foot controller has to control tempo. My rytm is the master. Midi controllers that I have tried and or talked to the company to confirm:

Logidy umi3: does NOT send clock but does do start/stop/continue…so no it didn’t work at all!

Source audio soleman: YES! But I didn’t like Programming options for other stuff like changing patterns up and down.

Nektar pacer: NO, nothing sysex…but looks cool.

MORNINGSTAR MC6: YES and it is also so killer to control Rytm pattern changes and all the cc messages you’d want. I do mutes and solos and scene changes…and have the expression output to an expression pedal that sweeps the performance macro. So nice. This IS the one so I say:). But yeah, sucks to have to buy something entirely different to do something relatively universal.

Good luck. Sam

99% sure AR doesn’t need midi clock to start. Just a Start message. Did you try with Transport Receive only (Clock Receive unchecked)?
Works with A4, should work with AR. I can try today.
Done and confirmed. AR(MKI) doesn’t need midi clock to start with a Start message.

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@sezare56 I feel like I’m 100% sure but you’re smarter than I am about midi haha…

But here’s one source (though I believe I read it from someone credible on the forum too?): an email from the maker of the logidy saying the following (which indeed sends a start message).
“ > > > > The Rytm probably needs an external MIDI clock to respond to real time message. The UMI3 does not send MIDI clock messages.” Not that that in itself is the final word but compelling info combined with my experience.

I can confirm this and I tried all configs on the rytm while troubleshooting. But when I tried two different controllers that do send midi clock both worked seamlessly.

I think all current elektron machines are like this???

And if anyone delves deeper about the logidy working with elektron stuff (specifically threads related to octatrAck and the logidy), it worked in that case because the successful user was sending it thru a midi capable audio interface that sends midi clock.


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It works with my AR MKI with latest OS without midi clock. Works also for A4, OT. What to add?

Anything sending a standard Start Midi message (FA) should work to start AR.

Did you try with Clock Receive disabled?

It’s a guess. Doesn’t prove anything. Most of manufacturers don’t offer the choice Transport / Clock.

I’d contact Elektron support to say the suppression of Transport control option is problematic.

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Yeah, definetly. Just for curiosity, so not all the elektron gears work the same way? I mean an OT should work fine. However, before Elektron support fix this, or if they want to fix this, if I dont want to sell my DT I need a piece of gear with its internal midi clock, what come in your mind that could do the job with a few bucks?

All Elektron having the Transport Receive option should start with a Start midi message (FA) without midi clock.

Otherwise this option would be useless.

I tested again with MFC10, I can Start/Stop AR/A4/OT flawlessly. Start (FA) message, no midi clock sent.