Midi Foot Controller Question

So it only happens on DT because of the firmware update. However I wrote to Elektron support this morning… I’ll let you know what it will comes out.

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Ok @sezare56 I’m about 0% correct about my 100% assertion!

Sorry to mislead the forum!



Oops I never answered this question. I THINK I tried that but cannot say for sure. So many variables involved when it comes to MIDI.


Would you try again? :slightly_smiling_face:

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@sezare56 et al

OK first off, let us remember that me and midi are at best only capable of acknowledging each others existence when passing each other in this dark alley of instrument connectivity…just have to underscore that for the forumites who I may mislead with wayward left-handed thinking…

clock receive DISABLED works with my MC6

…but its always worked. The lodigy is what made me draw the conclusions I came up with. I don’t have the logidy to test. What I THOUGHT was that for a controller to work with elektron, it had to send midi clock with the start message even if the elektron device is not going to use the clock bpm info? I can easily imagine thats BS but I believe I gleaned that from the ol internet whilst troubleshooting the logidy. I would be shocked if i DIDNT try clock disabled with the logidy but its a reasonable hypothesis:).

All this being said, have we come to consensus that the MFC010 should work with the DT?


EDIT: OK I might now hypothesize that @sezare56 has been right as usual all along. I just turned OFF the persistent midi clock on the MC6 and it still works hehe…

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A test with Logidy now! :wink:

I don’t think so, as Transport and Clock options are not dissociated anymore with DT/DN, I believe the single Clock Receive option activate both, hence Start can’t work without midi clock. :meh:
Pretty common setting AFAIK.
Clock and Transport are different midi messages.

If Transport is activated, and Clock not activated, the device is still master (keeping its tempo), but it can receive Start / Stop / Continue messages.
Isn’t it better to have the choice?

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For the moment, I decided to to merge the footcontroller with my old electribe to solve the midi clock send, it looks to work. But to stop the sequncer with the midibuddy it’s complicated. I have to do a combo and I need something more quick and easy. Does anyone suggest me a midi foot controller which can send midi start and stop messages please? I cant find nothing… thanks

MFC10 :wink:
@samvanlan mentioned the MC6 Morningstar which sends clock apparently.

I’d also check RK002 midi processor, which can handle clock send. You need midi power, and some tap tempo information, or a CC value mapped to tempo.

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I also use the morningstar mc6 ! Highly recommended !


Thanks a lot guys… I took a look for a Yamaha MFC10, I don’ understand if it really send start and stop messages but I trust you… I can find in the used market for about 200€… (wow… I payed the midi buddy 60€). But I’m definitely going deeper with it. The MC6, it cost a fortune and (correct if I’m wrong) and it has very few stomp buttons… I don’t wanna dance on it all the time to switch between banks etc… It looks very powerful but I don’t think I need all those features. So the next question is. Is there out there in the market a simple pedal which just send start and stop messages? I founded the One Trick Pony but it looks it’s no longer available…

Clearly stated in the manual. I paid mine 110€ or something.

Start Stop messages are not the most common messages with foot controllers, I doubt a simple product does it.
Arduino DIY…

So, you know for sure that it works, right? Do you have to make some weird combo to send start and stop or you can do that with a dedicated button only? thank you so much

I tested it on OT/A4/AR. DT/DN use the same messages for sure. Standard midi messages.
The MFC10 can alternate values with 1 switch, but apparently not Start/Stop. I had to use 2 switches.

ok, but you didn’t have to switch between banks or something… The two footswitch are always available right? I think I will wait for someone who sell it for a good price… :slightly_smiling_face:

Does that mean you trigger Preset 1 on the Midi Moose and then the OT receives several commands to execute STOP Playback, Load Arranger Song:3 START playback? That’s what I would like to achieve for live performance.

Yes with the Event Processor you can run a chain of commands I’m sure. Haven’t tried the specific task you mention , but as long as each task is midi controllable it should be possible. The way I use it is a specific function for each button.

Pretty surprising Elektron doesn’t have a product for this purpose. :thinking:

…a MIDI pedal? maybe this is not on their to-do products list? there’s enough already out there that can cover those needs…then again…who knows :thinking: :smile_cat:


They have a midi foot controller that can send Program Changes send actually : Analog Drive! :content:
Btw, I was having an eye for a Midi Mouse, I have to try one of my 2 ADs for that purpose. Paid 89€ new, less than a Midi Mouse!


Any news on the MIDI foot controller field?

So far i was using my Boomerang III looper receiving MIDI from the OT but i kind of think i could benefit from a MIDI controller.

There are many models and i don’t really know what thry can do and what i could enjoy apart from recording loops within the OT…
Basically i don’t want to get a headache while configuring it and a screen and small form factor would be great. That said something like the MC8 seems a bit expensive…