Midi Foot Controller Question

Mc6 then maybe? Or mc3. You can check the programming side online in demo mode. I love the mc8 personally and even I find it easy to program.

One of those things that once you’ve spent the time getting it how you want it’s easy and just fits into how you work

How do they compare? For an OT is it like button per track?

You mean Morningstar products?
AFAIK same functionalities for MC6 or 8.
They seem expansive to me too, but seem to cover most of midi messages, with different footswitches behaviors like hold, double tap, etc…

Yes, i just wonder what would be more usable on stage with an OT.
I find it a bit hard to figure what uses i could make of one device or the other. I saw models like Ampero Control or MIDI Maestro from Singular Sound but no real comparison so far of the advantages/disadvantages.

My previous inquiry can still be considered as active :wink:


Losing hope…

Big fan of morningstar products here !

Had a MC6, a MC3 and today I have a MC6 pro.

Works absolutely wonderfully with ot, program change, mutes, loops recording etc…
Can also generate sequences, lfos to automate whatever is midi exposed.
New features permit to influence any switch by another which means complex programming and interdependencies…Counters etc…Can even send keystrokes…

I never found a more convenient device for nrpn messages…

Might be overkill for your needs though.

What are your needs ? What do you lack, what do you want to achieve ?

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Thanks for your feedback with the MC serie.

Hard to say what i would like to achieve ultimately since i don’t know what are the possibilities of using a MIDI foot controller since i never used one.

The thing is i originally bought an OT to upgrade from a Boomerang Looper and using samples, being able to record and save the loops,benefit from sequencing and make the loops evolve more than with a traditional hardware looper.

Years after i’m still using my Boomerang Looper though: playing guitar and launching recording with the hand is complicated.

I thought with the help if a MIDI foot controller i would be able to maybe find back the simplicity of use of a hardware looper with the advantages of the OT. Like one tap to recordon one track, same tap to have it looped. Overdubbing in 2 taps.
Muting/unmuting with a single tap. Undo with a long press. Etc.

Is it doable with a MC Morning Star? (OT has no undo -which looper gas not?!?- as such but maybe a workaround could be programmed somehow?)

To be extremely simple : any function you’ll find in the :elot: 's midi implementation chart will be useable by any mc# model.

MC are able to address a ****load ton of functions which will be useless to :elot: though…

Structure of the pedal is like this ( this is by memory, I don’t reprogram it so often ):

You have banks depending on model up to 128.

Banks have names, and may call 0-32 events when loaded.

In each banks you have pages, 2 to 4 depending on models.

Each page contains presets which represent physical switches ( 3to 8 )

Each preset has 2 states and a both state, a default state.

Each state has 16 to 32 messages depending on models.

Each message can respond to press, long press, double tap, on release or respond to other trigs.

You also have expression inputs, up to four which have their own parameters.

You have all the clocking, tap tempo etc…

You have 2 sequencers of 16 steps and four lfos. they are setup by banks or globally, I don’t remember.

Regarding your setup :

Absolutely doable ! Since each press can activate differents messages on different channels you can have many combination of record buffers, mutes, unmutes, sources etc…

@sezare56 will be able to guide you depending on your needs, I don’t have an octatrack anymore and was only using flex maschines for looping, I never actually used pickups…

You can download the editor on the morningstar website and see how it works, what types of message you could use etc…


From what I read concerning Morningstar, no probs to control what’s available with OT.
It does event toggle isn’t it ?

Several approaches possible with OT, Pickups, Rec/Flex with QREC, One Shots rec trigs, or use Program Changes to change patterns, each one recording a specific loop.

No probs with a defined length below or equal 64 steps.
Undefinzd length with Pickups is problemematic for me, for instance if you record 5, 6, 7 bars it changes tempo. :meh:

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Thank you for the explanations, i really appreciate.

I downloaded the mapping app a while ago and found it very easy to get my head around.

My problem would be more like how practical it is to use. For instance, with my hardware looper, i’m constantly watching my toes and i’m afraid i would have to do the same + managing the OT. Like having to select a track with a finger, then launch on the foot, loop it, then move to another track.

Maybe it’s possible to prepare things on the OT enough that once i press a button on the MC, track 6 automatically loops without having to select it or stop the recording? Like basically minimizing the number of actions so i can focus more on playing and interacting with the outside world :wink:

The only interest of Pick Up machines would be for me in the case i wanna start a song by a guitar loop and that this loop sets the tempo for the rest of the tracks.

You can prep each switch to be a track on the ot so you don’t have to select anything manually.
Press top left, you know it’s T1 buffer…

Since buffers and tracks are totally independant, the only limit is how you organise things on the pedal…

You could prep another to arm rec on T1 -T2-T6 on press, while muting T3 and T4 because you maintain the switch pushed down and launch a Free Track on T5 when you release your foot…All that while playing your guitar with both hands… :smiley:

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Has to be a power of 2 number of steps (1, 2, 4, 8, etc), otherwise the tempo is wrong.

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:heart_eyes: Oh my, i did not imagine it was that flexible! I guess i’m looking for this kind of examples to really figure out what’s possible and how to implement things.

I don’t think i’d buy the MC8 as its footprint is too big for me and i probably don’t need 8 tracks for looping so maybe the MC6 would be enough. Narrowing things down, very good :wink:

I play african styles on the guitar mostly so it’s a lot of 6/8, 12/8 and it’s already complicate sometimes to juggle with different time signatures on the OT. 10/8, 9/8 would be dodgy although i tend to always count as double number of steps so it’s always a multiple of 2.

Remember that each switch can have a different midi channel per message and different cc number and or values and different program change and can send keystrokes to computer, and start or stop lfos and affect other switches sates… All successively or at the same time…:crazy_face:

Not a multiple of 2, but power of 2.
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.

6, 10, 12…fucks the tempo.

Flexes don’t f*** ! Flexes are your friends :rofl:

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Rec/Flex don’t set the tempo, Pickups can fuck it. :content:

So @Blasted_pingin I’d make some tests before planning to use Pickups with a specific controller.

To swap rec/play with Pickups, ideally you’d want to toggle between 2 notes :
C4 and E4 for instance.

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That’s fucked up. Impossible to play ternary like that.

That would mean two different actions on a foot controller, right ?

A toggle function would do the trick with only 1 switch. Afaik MC6/8 can do it.

My MFC10 does it.

And risky if you miss, if you record 5 bars instead of 4 for instance.

Maybe workaround with 3/4 scale for ternary…
Make some tests !

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