Midi Foot Controller Question

Ok im barely doing anything with OT or mc6 right now. But i use it for pickups and flex.

I have commands simioar to those screenshotted by sezare above programmed into mc6, works great! But the key is to set up the OT pattern/part the way you want it. T1 us always PU with recording lengths all 128 or quantized to some value. Then i go from there.

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Hi Sam !

Do you mean RLEN = 64 ?
Examples of use with QREC ?
Do you use 4/4 signature only ?

Did you change MC6 switches ?

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Ok yeah all ive been doing is building guitar amps so i csnt remember anything ha! Does RLEN only go to 64? Thats what i set it to then. And then i set QREC to PLEN and/or 64.

I only use 4/4 because that’s the only time signature. No other matters. On the entire planet. All other time signatures wish they were 4/4. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

For my songwriting flow, i might have a guitar or synth riff, I will record that into a RLEN 64 flex track and then have it loop 1st step of pattern.

Then i usually lay down a vocal line on a PU that is RLEN 64 and QREC:PLEN and double or triple the vocals. I often do more than one PU track of vocals. I think my use is so simple it doesnt apply to most people???

When you say did i change switches, i did put the big knobs that go over the existing switches. Im not sure they help.

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Mmmmhhh that might be an issue. According different songs i might not have the same needs.
E.g. i’m looping a Nord Drum on track 4 (where i always want my percussion) and i want 1 guitar loop on track 6. If ever, i wanna have a melodic loop on track 6, looped with the Nord Drum on the next song, setting things correctly on the OT is enough or would i run into problems?
I kind of think it should work as i am writing this :wink:

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Yes it should.

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