MIDI in/out issue

All of these instruments were designed to be MIDI sequencers and they can pass through MIDI input to the output in the way you want.

Thatā€™s good to know, thank you !

Iā€™m experiencing exactly the same issue with a chain composed of octatrack=>mc cycle=>Vermona drm1. No instant sound on midi target with order from midi in with mc configured in midi out mode.

This midi issue is a shame.
Firstly because it is definitely a software issue not an hardware one so it can be very easy to release a fix. Secondly because if nothing changes, it would clearly demonstrates that this fail was intentional. Honestly I am currently a fan of elektron. This lack is a thing but it could happen. But not to fix it, really elektron ? Something that should be mentionned on ads and hurts the confidence.
I hope there could be a solution soon.
At that point I put my further elektron buying in stand by, and maybe will reconsider to other brands

It became possible to do this with the 1.13 software. It has itā€™s limitations, but it is possible:

From memory, choose a track on the M:S or M:C, set Mout to on (Trk menu) and set itā€™s output midi channel to your desired output midi channel, and choose midi out (rather than midi through). Now, any incoming notes on the auto channel (default 10) go to your chosen output channel.


Tracks set to MOUT now also forwards the incoming note data on the AUTO channel from external MIDI controllers to the MIDI OUT port for control of an external device.



thank you very much for your quick answer.
This fix is very useful. The only thing that remains weird is that the mc is able to receive and play polyphonic pattern using the active track in midi, which is great. I may be wrong, but the current sequencer on it do not allow polyphonic trig. Sounds like an artificial software limitationā€¦
But still, this mini fix is great.