Midi issues running iOS app (Ripplemaker)

I’m new to the Digitakt and having some issues controlling Ripplemaker (iOS app).

I’m also somewhat new to midi ipad stuff.

I’ve tried running it as an IAA and AUM in Audiobus. The issue is that my DT’s clock appears to be affecting the midi in some way, as if there were a quantization taking place. At 300 bpm i can send midi notes just fine from my keystep or the Digitakt chromatic keyboard, but at 40 bpm it only plays midi notes occasionally and in cycles…

I’ve tried running Animoog and that appears to run fine.

Any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong? Many thanks!

Is aum master clock ? I think it needs to be

Everything else slave

Try using AUM without audio bus. Load Ripplemaker as AUv3 into AUM. In the clock settings activate MIDI clock send in AUM and select the Digitakt as destination. In the Digitakt you have to activate the reception of the Midi Clock. AUM is currently unable to receive a midi clock.

thanks for the response(s). So, I would need to set AUM as master clock over my Digitakt? I can’t imagine any iOS app being worth that :slight_smile: Is there another way running it through Audiobus or someother app as IAA? This doesn’t seem like it should be so complicated.

You can sync AUM to Ableton link. You need this app to convert MIDI clock to Link. Digitakt sends clock to the app an it converts the clock to link.

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thanks, resocut. I was happy to find Ripplemaker as it, at least temporarily, saved me 2k for another west coast style hardware synth, but I’m close to scrapping the whole thing at this point

It might be a bit confusing at first, but Digitakt and iPad really are a great combination.

your AUM software is 1000x better midi clock than your elektron is

It’s not the clock i’m suspicious of—rather the midi connectivity issues.

I’ve tried everything I can think of to get Ripplemaker working, including the above suggestions and it just won’t work.

Have you turned in all midi input devices in aum / digitakt should appear as a device so you just use that … and select a midi channel as default is probably everything.

And ensure digitakt usb midi is turned on ( and not in overbridge mode )

…. Just suggesting random things … if I get time I may turn this on over the weekend.

Otherwise … have you st least got it all working in aum … being sequenced from another midi ( aum midi ) device ?

thanks for your persistence, re5et :slight_smile: I have gone through all of that but Ripplemaker is still oddly being quantized somehow by the Digitakts bpm. That’s with AUM as master clock or Digitakt as master clock.

I haven’t tried sequencing with a different AUM midi sequencer, yet.

i finally got it figured out, with your help, appreciate!

i can’t believe AUM doesn’t sync like MLS native, WTF?