Midi Learn issue FX parameters Digitone Keys

Hello all

Iv’e run into a problem with midi learn from Digitone Keys to the Faderfox EC4.
I managed to map 8 groups with no problem whatsoever until I came to the FX parameters (Func + Syn2) etc below

Iv’e noticed that FX channel on DK is channel 9 however when I hit midi learn on the EC4 then turn a knob on DK I get the signal but it sends auto channel 10 regardless to the EC4???
I tried changing settings once I midi learned by trying to change to channel 9 from 10 within the EC4 but no joy.

Like I said everything mapped perfect until I come to the FX controls and Iv’e no idea what’s happening Iv’e been on for 4 hours duh!

So… Assigning everything is ok apart from the knobs where (Func+Syn2,Filter,Amp and LFO) are concerned.
Anyone have an idea what I’m doing wrong ?



Hmm I changed the DK to send midi cc for some reason NRPN won’t work on FX parameters.
I had set my DK to output NRPN in midi config

Did you ever get past this? I’m getting ready to program my EC4 here, and was specifically hoping to use it to automate FX here?

I know that the Digitone (DN) defaults to channel 10 for global operations. Not sure you were running into that?