Midi Loopback

I’m trying to get my head around Midi Loopback but I can’t find any specific Syntakt tutorials out there. I’d like to start with something simple like modulating a Synth CC with the midi LFO - following an Digitakt tutorial doesn’t seem to be working. Any thoughts about the difference in setting it up in Syntakt rather than Digitakt?

Midi loopback is very logical.

Midi cable between in and out.
Set the midi track to send on the channel corresponding to the track you want to control (ch1 for track 1, ch2 for track 2, etc)

Set your CC, choose it as lfo dest.

I think that’s all you need to give it a try.

If it doesn’t work, check midi config. CC receive must be enable. Check if midi channels aren’t default ones.

Same principle.


Thank You.
Midi cable between in and out.
Midi channels are all on default settings ie track 1 is midi channel 1 etc etc
CC receive is ticked
I’ve made track 9 a midi track.
Midi track 9:
Under AMP: CC#25 selected in top left hand box (Delay High Pass Filter, I hope?)
Under FLTR Top right hand box CC1 activated as a virtual dial
Under SYN: Chan 1 (midi chan) in top left hand box.

In the midi LFO Selecting CC:CC1: Value to modulate doesn’t do anything. Neither does turning the to left dial under SYN on Midi chan 9.

I think what’s tripping you up here is that CC settings for Delay, Reverb, Ext In, and FX (Drive, Filter, Amp, and LFOs) are all addressed through the FX channel, not individual track channels (since they’re global effects).

I walk through a loopback setup for using MW/AT/BC/PB macros here ( Unlocking Syntakt's Performance Macros (Digitone's too) - YouTube ), and CC changes will work the same way, but note that CC changes are absolute rather than relative, so they make jumping values a problem.

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…midi loopback is a hardware hack…makes a lot of fun and sense on the ot…or any other elektron device that offers dedicated midi tracks, but on the st, where any midi track is killing an internal soundtrack, not so much, i guess…

next level hardware “hack” for the st is more like integrating an external faderfox controler…
expands ur/st’s sonic options way more than shutting off two physical midiports at once plus loosing a whole track machine on top of that…

Thanks I did get it working and you are right about the effects - that was why I was getting no response. I was hoping I might be able to modulate some parameters that the other LFOs don’t. I am a little confused by the midi CC numbers in the manual and how they relate to the numbers I can dial into the Syntakt - some do some really crazy stuff when they have an LFO on them but aren’t listed in the manual. Thanks for link to the video I’ll check it out.