Midi message when changing patterns via overbridge?

i’m now developing a new live setup in which i will only use the analog rytm to make the music. it will be connected to a computer that will generate visuals by analysing the sound from the individual channels via overbrige (using custom max for live devices).

in the best scenario, i will not touch the computer. but, for that, the computer needs to know when the pattern has changed to change the configurations of the visuals. does the rytm send some sort of pattern change midi information? if so, can that be retrieved by usb in overbridge mode somehow?

The AR can be configured to send a MIDI Program Change message containing the number of the changed pattern on a chosen MIDI channel, via either the MIDI Out port, the USB port or both. See pages 51 to 53 of the manual.
The computer could be running any application that recognises the AR being attached by USB.

The AR can be configured to send a MIDI Program Change message containing the number of the changed pattern on a chosen MIDI channel, via either the MIDI Out port, the USB port or both. See pages 51 to 53 of the manual.
The computer could be running any application that recognises the AR being attached by USB. [/quote]
Thank you, PeterHanes. The program changes are exactly what I need, but I couldn’t get it to work while in Overbridge mode.
While in “usb-midi only” it works perfectly. In “Overbridge mode” the “Analog Rytm (Elektron MIDI)” device also output program changes in the correct channel, but all the values are 0, for every pattern. Maybe this is another bug?

I investigated it a bit further and found out that actually it is sending two messages: the pattern number followed by a 0. Both are program changes on the same channel. Any ideas what this is?

doubt it is, but might be a bank message - though i’d have expected that first, not too bothered by this stuff myself - but have a look at midi monitor, it will translate the info into more readable terms if possible

avantronica, actually the values of the midi patterns are sequential, from 0 to 127, and they are always followed by a 0. I do believe this is some sort of bug, as it doesn’t happen in usb midi mode, only when overbrige is active.

wasn’t doubting you, I was doubting it was a bank select and I had skimmed your post - but I can confirm, by running both DIN and USB(as OB) midi to my Midi Monitor
I sent 4 prg changes and each time a spurious additional program message = 0 was sent on the USB version (ie refer to timestamp)
confirmed, good spot :+1:
.link this thread to your bug submission :slight_smile:

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so the same thing happens with the din connection on overbrige? curious, i was guessing that was something usb related. i’m opening a support ticket right away!

no DIN is fine, that port is Labelled Port A in image
the USB midi (OB) is sending two prg messages every time
one correct (same as DIN) + extra Prg Chg 0 at the end
DIN : Prg Chg 16
USB : Prg Chg 16
USB : Prg Chg 0

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oh, sorry, I got it wrong!