Midi / mix controller for Model:Cycles

what would be the the best (and preferably cheapest) way to control my M:C via some sort of external MIDI faders? i want to be able to ride the levels / mutes on the fly while jamming. i can bring a computer into the setup if i need to. any way i could use my Akai APC Mini?

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The cheapest way is finding a free dumpster laptop/desktop/raspberry-pi that has 2 USB ports and plugging your Akai and M:C into it. Depending on your OS, there are all manner of “MIDI patchbay” programs or modular environments like VCV Rack, PD, SuperCollider, etc. - just pick your poison.

The “best” way is suuuuper subjective. Parameters to consider include portability, simplicity, battery power, flexibility, aesthetics, etc. If it was me I’d probably use my Faderfox UC4… because I already have one.


Following! This does make me think I should experiment with CC to vol/distortion per track on the DT when controlling the M:C…

I use this for vst related stuff in my rig. Lots of knobs and faders that are assignable to anything. Cheap and super handy for me. Maybe for you too.

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that’s exactly the thing, but i guess i’d need a USB MIDI host as well, which kind of doubles the cost and puts me into Faderfox territory…

As @license already said. Get a cheap raspi and setup in headless mode with a midi software filter/manager. There you have a USB-host. On Win you can do that with MidiOX. But it needs some time and trial&error to get a good result that suits your workflow.


thanks guys, this is helpful, i’ll try some midi routing with my APC Mini and let you know how i get on

my solution: download Midi OX, set up a mapping between my APC Mini and the M:C and voila! Dedicated faders and mutes for each track on the Cycles. bloody brilliant. happy to share mapping files if anyone is interested