Midi notes from Digitakt to Ableton. Not Possible?

Hey there !

This is really weird, but i don’t seem to be able to transfer (Record) midi data from DT to Ableton in any freaking way. I hoped to be able to do that through Overbridge. But even when i’m not using Overbridge. I don’t seem to to be able to send midi notes to ableton. Neither by using midi ports nor by using the usb cable.

In a midi channel in Ableton i’m selecting the Digitakt (when connected to the computer via usb) or my midi ports (when connected through in and out midi cables).
On the Digitakt the USB CONFIG (system) is set to USB MIDI (not Overbridge). and in the sync menu i’m telling it to send and receive clock and prog ch.
in the ports “output to” and “input to” are set to MIDI+USB (i tried different options.

what is happening here?

I would really appreciate your help.


From the information you gave, I guess that you don’t use the MIDI tracks of the Digitakt but expect track 1-8 to be sent to Ableton?

If so: Send a feature request to Elektron. The Model:Cycle/Sample and I think AR can do this.

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Hey !

Thanks for your reply. Yes i expect the track 1-8 to send midi data to Ableton. Not possible?

Not possible


So i assume, using the midi tracks it would be able to send midi notes to Ableton using Overbridge?

This is really annoying. So if i want to send my drum patterns from my drum tracks directly to Ableton (like any other drum machine or Synthesiser in the world) it’s not possible?

I’m so confused at the moment.

Can you explain to me how is he doing it here?


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You could copy the Midi data from the audio tracks to the midi tracks and then send it to ableton.

Here he is sending midinotes comming from a midiloop to his drumbute

Different drumsounds are linked to a different pitch

This works wel with drumboxes who have one track where you can select different sounds So thats why i think he using The drumbrute
The DT is a bbox who has a track per sound base where you pitch the same sound
You could create it with PL offcourse

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He is sending it with the digitakt as well. not only to the drumbrute.

As I said: Make a feature request to Elektron!

Watched the video you posted. He is not sending anything from the DT.

No, he is not sending anything From The DT
He is Just shows how you can REC midiloops in to the Drumbrute
Wich works with Drumbrute because like I already mentioned the sounds on the drumbrute have different pitches assigned to them
You see that in video where he sets the pitch of each track on The DT to the correspondent pitch in de midiloop
Wel actually you dont see iT he only says iT very briefly

No man. He is sending drum midi notes to the DT. He plays the same samples that are loaded in the DT from Ableton (look at 6:50) and you can see them flashing on the DT when he plays them from Ableton. Which means it is sending midi notes from Ableton to the DT.
I am very familiar with this as i do it on the TR8s very easily and very often.

Not from. He is sending Midi notes TO the Digitakt.

But it should be actually the same. Sending or receiving.

That is what I was saying, he is sending midi From daw to Dt :wink:
Not from The Dt to his daw because for some reason the audio tracks dont to that, they send out cc messages but no sequences nor PL

Sorry in my opinion sending and recieving are two different things So why should they be the same ?

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Hmm, maybe you are right that they are not necessarily the same thing. but with all the machines and synths that i know it is the same thing. If you are able to send Midi notes to the machine why wouldn’t be bale to receive from it.

You can definitely do it.

Copy the patterns from your audio tracks 1-8 to the corresponding MIDI tracks 1-8. Make sure they’re all unmuted.

Go to the SRC page on each MIDI track, FUNC+click the top left parameter knob to select channel 1, so every track is now transmitting on channel 1.

Set MIDI output to ‘USB’ in Midi Config

In Ableton: New MIDI track -> MIDI from “Elektron Digitakt” -> Ch “1”

Now you should see the orange signal jumping around in the Ableton track. Load up your sampler or drum synth VST or whatever.

Now all you have to do is go into the TRG page on each of Digitakt’s MIDI tracks and set each “note” to correspond with the correct sample / voice on your VST.

(I’ve explained it this way for simplicity but In fact the DT’s MIDI tracks are 4x polyphonic so you could save space by programming 8 drum parts into 1 or 2 DT MIDI tracks depending how many hits you need to happen at once, but chances are you’ve programmed one part per track in the audio section so don’t worry about that).

Record arm -> record -> see dem midi notes and hear dem VST drums.



Thank you ! that will work for now. But it is pretty annoying to do that each time.

Actually what was weird:

Without having to copy patterns into the midi tracks. using USB mode in Ableton you can actually play them from the DT (not with the play button but actually clicking on the audio tracks 1-8 will trigger the yellow midi line in Ableton, that means it receiving midi messages Like @Kenneth said , but not notes? i’m not sure . But when you hit record it doesn’t record midi notes.

Anyway, let’s hope it can be worked out in the future. Much much appreciated guys !