Midi notes from Keystep and transport from OT

Hi, I’m stumped. I want to send the transport from OT into DN but I also want to send notes from Keystep into DN. There’s only one MIDI In on the DN so… how do I feed it those two signals?

When I tried sending the OT transport “through” the Keystep it causes the Keystep to “play” in either ARP or SEQ Mode. (Which I don’t want.)

Is there a setting on the Keystep or an alternate cabling I should try?

Thank you!

There are switches on the back of the Keystep.
Try to send notes from Keystep to OT, and from OT send both to DN.

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Use the AutoChannel feature on the OT to pass note messages from the KS to the active track on the DN via MIDI sequencer track of the OT.