i just got a Percussa SSP which can receive midi notes via USB, and at the moment my Deluge is not “alive” so i wonder if i can use the Digitone to play the SSP?
Since in the system menu (Port Config), there´s the options:
OUTPUT TO selects the output MIDI data port.
USB sends MIDI data to the USB port.
MIDI+USB sends MIDI data to the MIDI OUT and USB ports
… but i can´t seem to get it working? Does it mean the Digitone cant act as a “host”?
If not, why do i need to send midi over usb? I can understand why i would like to receive it but the other way around?
I got some more info now and the percussa´s USB ports (3) has two of them acting as hosts.
So instead i´m thinking the other way around; if i get a MIDI-Din to USB adapter, could it be a solution for me? Then i could use the Din-Midi out on my Digitone and the signal gets converted to USB, and then i can play or send sequences from any gear with midi out to my SSP! Right?
Edit: got one! It looks good, and should be useful in many ways. I won´t have an opportunity to try it out until this evening, but that´s ok. I´ll update the thread if i dont forget it.