MIDI Output annoyingly becoming Thru


Here’s a quick outline of my setup before I explain my issue (bear with me on this, it all works beautifully although a little complicated);

Octatrack sending clock to merge unit which also takes midi keyboard/controller (launchkey) into Squarp Pyramid as master midi sequencer for setup.

Pyramid sending MIDI output A to 16 synths over 16 channels (channel 16 used as program changes for digitone and digitakt). MIDI output B sending din-sync clock to eurorack kit.

Now my issue is that I have just purchased a Lemondrop which I intend to sequence and play from the MIDI tracks on either the Digitone or Digitakt. For the purpose of this I’m testing with DN.

I can play the unit from MIDI track 4 when I have the output ports in setup set to channel 4. I can play DN MIDI track 4 into lemon drop fine and if I also play my launchkey which is going to another synth on the same channel, it doesn’t play lemondrop, which is what I want, hence using the MIDI OUT and not THRU. This is so I can use another synth from the Pyramid’s sequencer sharing the channel lemondrop has, with no clashing - in theory.

If I sequence anything, it will not play the lemondrop (muted or unmuted), unless I go in the page with MIDI parameters (ie channel, bank select, Prgm etc) and activate channel. But when I do this, the sequence will play lemondrop, but it also allows my launchkey to now pass THRU the OUT, meaning any sequences coming from Pyramid now unwantingly (new word?) play lemondrop as well.

Quite an annoying conundrum as I now feel I’m limited. I’d like to Just send sequences from DN to Lemondrop VIA MIDI OUT, and any THRU MIDI also goes to it’s rightful place from the Pyramid. Again, to clarify, This kind of works by having a MIDI track set to channel of lemondrop but no DN sequence data will go to it, unless I activate MIDI channel in the track’s parameters, in which case it then gets played by my launchkey and pyramid.

Any ideas on a fix?