Midi Problem: Automatic Parameter Locks

Hey folks,

So I got my Octatrack and after setting up my external gear, I got a weird problem while recording midi notes.

So in my example I got a minitaur as an external Synth which receives midi from the OT and an Arturia Keylab, which sends midi to the OT on auto channel. Open up a completely new project and set the first midi track source to the midi channel of the minitaur.

When I now go to live recording in midi mode and play notes on the keylab it actually sets the red trigs as expected but also a lot of green (parameter locks) I guess.

What could be the reason and how to avoid it?

Sounds like OT is receiving a bunch of CC messages that map to some of the track parameters.

I would try a MIDI Monitor on the OT’s Thru port (or straight from Keylab) to see what data is actually coming in.


What he said. :content: