Midi Setup: One Keyboard for all Boxes

Whats the smartest way to controll several midi-chained Boxes with one Midi Keyboard? (DN, DT and A4)

Is it possible to bring the midi-note-input to the out, or the clock and transport to the thru? So that the midi notes go through the whole chain?

Do i really need several Midi Thru and Merge Boxes?


Use a keyboard which can switch it’s MIDI channel on the fly. The Keystep does this, as does the X-Keys.
Then you have each box on a different channel, and switch between them from the keyboard.

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no, this is not a feature, sadly…
(some devices have a soft thru option for this)

all midi messages, that are coming to the midi in of a device goes out to the midi thru (its a copy, basically)

the problem is, that the other messages, generated by the device only come out on the midi out

you can chain the devices from
keyboard midi out to
midi in to midi thru
to midi in to midi thru…

with this you can play all devices on different channels for example. but generated midi from the devices will not get to the other devices…

maybe not several, but one flexible midi routing box could do the trick…

if there is a computer or tablet involved you have of course many more flexible midi routing options (via usb)

one more option, without additional hardware: there is the possibility to set a midi track on dt and dn, which then gets send out via midi out,and to the midi in of the next device. if this track is selected/active… maybe you can try this first: first dn or dt and a4 as last in the chain. to keep it simple maybe, try with keyboard and two devices at first

btw. there are many similar topics in here already, so please also try the forum search…


This was the incredible hint I was looking for! :slight_smile: It is perfectly working! Thank you!

Great, that the channel is directly playable via external keyboard.

You saved me some bucks for a midi box. Thank you!

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