MIDI Sync to Digitakt!

So I’m playing a gig later this month and I’ve been planning everything for a couple weeks now…
The setup is: Digitakt as master, sending clock and transport over MIDI OUT to the Model:Cycles MIDI IN.

Now, my problem is something I never noticed before - when I play a pattern on the Digitakt, the pattern selected on the Model:Cycles starts playing, and it’s perfectly synced.
When I change the pattern on the Digitakt, the Model: Cycles does not change (I understand that’s because program change is off, which is what I want) but when I change the pattern on the Model: Cycles, it skips some bars (although its still synced) and the previous pattern doesn’t finish, so the pattern playing often doesn’t align with one on the Digitakt.
I want to be able to change patterns independently on both machines, since I’m playing with a friend and we just want to stay in ‘sync’ and on the same bar… What am I doing wrong? Thank you so so much!

Hmm, it’s a little hard to tell without knowing more about your settings. If I had to take a guess, is it something to do with Scale settings? Note the info on Change settings in particular:

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When slaved, Model:Cycles is sloppy. I’ve been testing MIDI Clock Sync quite a bit lately with various hardware, software, MIDI interfaces, etc. Changing patterns makes it worse as you already noticed. You can improve it a bit by disabling the receiving of all other unnecessary MIDI data, unplugging the USB cable, etc., but it doesn’t help that much. Best option is to make M:C the Master Clock.

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Hey Craig! I checked the Change settings and it solved my problem! It seems that when I have a 3 bar pattern, I have to change the steps to 64 to cue the next 4 bar patten in sync with the Digitakt! Thank you so much, I was not aware of this ‘cue’ settings :slight_smile: much relaxed now… Cheers man!


No worries. Glad you got it sorted :slight_smile:

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