MIDI synced FX pedals glitching when song stops

I MIDI sync a lot of my pedals to my AR2. I noticed last night that my Chase Bliss Tonal Recall delay pedal glitches badly at the end of the song (and not in a pleasant way). My MIDI signal goes AR2 > A4 > Disaster Area MIDI Box 4 > pedals.

I know it’s the AR2 signalling that it’s stopping that probably causes the glitch, but is there a way to avoid that other than adding an empty pattern at the end of the song?

I’m not sure the specific nature of your glitch, and this is not an AR2, but some guy was having an issue caused by midi clock conflicting with preset tempo on TR. Couple people had similar issues, Chase bliss chimes in on it. Here’s the thread if you want to see if it helps you any, I’m not going to try and summarize all of it here but you can see if it’s close to your issue.

link to thread on gearpage.net

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Thx! That’s exactly what is going on with mine.

As you say is just add a blank pattern at the end
It’s easy , requires no magic.


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