Midi Thru

I think I know the answer to this question but I’m hoping I’m wrong . . .

I’m running midi data into my digitone using USB from Ableton to change program. I have my Octatrack connected to the DN with a midi cable from the DN thru into the OT midi in. The program change midi channels are different on both machines. In Ableton I have another midi channel for program changes for the OT so I can choose the programs independently. These are sent to the digitone but on the OT program change channel.

The problem seems to be that the digitone will not forward the midi data from usb through the thru port.

If I use the midi out, the digitone sends it’s own midi data not the data from Ableton.

As the OT doesn’t receive midi over USB (terrible oversight), I wanted to use the digitone as my bridge across.

Does anyone know of I can get this done, or am I right in thinking that it isn’t possible.


That’s correct. MIDI thru only works in combination with the DIN MIDI input.

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That’s an absolute bugger.

It would be so useful, especially when using the Octatracks, to have the possibility to route from usb thru the digitone.

I wonder if that’s a firmware possibility if it is constrained by hardware.


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This is a hardware limitation.

A USB 1.1 MIDI connection is about 16 times the speed of a MIDI DIN connection.
A USB 2.0 MIDI connection is 128 times the speed of MIDI DIN.
If I’m not mistaken the Digitone uses the 2.0 MIDI standard.

If you really want some USB for your OT, you can get a TM-1.
If you need to do advanced MIDI routing, I advise you get yourself a configurable MIDI hub such as MIO4 and the like.