Midi Track Length Playback Issue on Digitone

I have the following connection setup:

DIgitone Midi Out Sync A > Behringer TD3 Midi In
TD3 Output > Digitone Input L

I have entered notes in Midi track 1 on the Digitone. Notes from the TD3 play fine through the digitone when I have a 16th bar set to 1/4th scale and a pattern length of 64.
When I change the speed to 1x on the same 16th bar, the sequence plays out the pattern only once but then does not retrigger… It just fades away and doesn’t re-trigger. I’ve tried shorter/longer pattern lengths and so forth with no change in this occurence. I’d like for the faster 1x pattern to keep going/re-trigger after the bar is done. I feel like it was working before, though I may have messed a setting somewhere, not sure. It’s starting to feel like a bug.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!