MIDI Track playback one octave lower

Hi everyone. I’m sequencing my modular from the ST via n FH-2. When I play in Keyboard mode everything sounds as it should, but if I record the playing or manually enter trigs in the sequencer, the playback is one octave down. Ant ideas?

IIRC, MIDI doesn’t specify which octave any given instrument should label its lowest note as. Some have their lowest C equivalent to MIDI C0, others MIDI C1. Your modular’s MIDI interface may be using one or other scheme, differently from the Syntakt.

This happens fairly often with the Rytm too, particularly because it only responds over a two octave range.

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Hi, thanks for the answer. I’m still a bit confused as to why it’s only a lower octave when it plays back though. Surely the ST should be sending the same note playing back as whenI play the built in keyboard?

I’d check secondary notes (NOTE 2/3/4).
Just tested : they can create an offset on recorded note if the synth is mono.
Can be the culprit.


Nice one thank you. I will check :grinning:

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Yep, was that - I set notes 2, 3 and 4 to 0 and all is good. Thanks mate :ok_hand: