Midi Track trigger

Hi !

I am trying to trigger midi Tracks from an external source with Notes 48 -55.
one thing to note is that I simultaniously trigger the audio tracks with Note 24 to 31
all pattern tracks are set to one shot, plays free trigger with direct trig quant and trigger mode one.

when I try to trigger the midi tracks they wont start but only play a default trigger instead of the track.

One strange thing is a yellow first Trigger in step recording mode which appears when I play the first note eg 48 and it disappears when I press stop. whats that supposed to mean? I never programmed any one shot trigger…

any Ideas or forum links appreciated!

br seb

No sure to understand.
Midi tracks have to be in Plays Free mode, otherwise you can’t trigger them…

they are in plays free mode.

I rechecked the behaviour. actually I am triggering only the first trigger of the track. but it does not advance to the other triggs I have programmed in the track…

What are your Midi Plays Free tracks settings ?
Looks like Hold receiving a short note.

I tried all of them no change in behaviour between one and hold ( with one2 only every odd number of notes plays the Trigger)

2nd guess : you probably also send the note that stops the sequencer: A1(33)

Check sending notes one by one.

Every odd number ?

even. sry my english - 1 3 4 …

I checked with the midi monitor I am sending the right midi msgs

Did you start OT’s sequencer ?

no difference if running or not running

another thing:
I wrote about the yellow trigger.

lets say I have set trigger 1 3 5 they are red and ready to play.
now I send the corresponding midi note to play the track.
–> I hear the programmed note of trigger 1
–> the first trigger now is yellow.
now 2 scenarios where it disapears:
–> I press stop and it turns red again.
–> I am in one2 mode and it turns red after the second "trigger track " midi note

while this trigger is yellow this note somehow stays in memory. I can shift the with func+right and I still hear the note that was there(checked also with param locks values, which also means its the prgrammed trigger an not a default midi note or sth.)

I couldnt find anything in the manual explaining this.

I found out my patterns start to play when changing the scale mode to “normal” instad of “per track”.
… I mean there’s no reasen to be have per track scales if you your tracks are all in trigger mode “one” if they all have the same clock multiplier. but if you want them to run with individual clock multipliers you would want that.

so now I want that hm…

Surprising. I will try tonight…

Ah I misunderstood that you have to be in Per Track mode to reproduce the issue, so yes it seems buggy, the yellow step position is stuck on first step. :sketchy:


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so the issue with “per track scale” setting is a known bug according to the support. is there a bug list somewhere?

Thanks for feedback.

There is a bug thread, but some can be user errors if not confirmed, reproduced.

AFAIK no list of known / confirmed bugs.

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I currently found out some more strange behaviour this one in the sample sequencer:

lets say I have a pattern in bankE and bankI.
each is configured like this:
pattern settings
scale mode - normal
T1 settings :
start silent - no
plays free yes
one shot yes
trig mode one
trig quant direkt

on track 1 I have a trigger on pos1 and pos3 on both patterns.
I trigger track 1 on bank E. and hear the right part played by trigger pos1 and pos3 .
when I switch to bankI, I hear trigger pos1 play the sound of part according to bankE and trigger pos3 playing the right sound of bankI.

when changing back same story vice verca

and this one:

pattern settings
scale mode - normal
16 steps master scale
T1 settings :
start silent - no
plays free yes
one shot yes
trig mode one
trig quant direkt

lets say track one has a flex machine loaded with a sample playing a 16th length trigger on pos1.
I place a trigger on pos3 and with a paramter locked delay setting to minimum delay length maximum feedback and send.
on pos9 a standard trigger like on pos1 to reset delay params.

when the one shot finishes I get an additional " burst " of a short delay sound around the 18th note where the sequencer should have stopped by now.

I very much feel like a testing engineer not a musician…

I’ve been there, but I could move on and make music / experiment with what’s working really well.

Bugs confirmations, hypothetical bug corrections…:expressionless: