Midi trigger my synth with MD

Complete and utter midi noob. Hi all first post… basicly I’m a musician who is slowly beginning to buy kit that is not acoustic,

I’m in my late 50’s and midi and it’s protocol has certainly past me by sadly.

What I want to be able to do is step sequence my synth via the MD.

I’ve spent 5 hours ish trying to make this happen and all I can manage is triggering the drums in the MD via my keyboard, which is the opposite of what I want to do.

I really would appreciate someone taking 5 mins to show me how to set myself up.

My synth is a novation K station, all my midi cables are connected, I’ve set my MD to internal clock and the tempo is synced via clock to my synth.

I’ve turned off local in the MD as I dont want to trigger it’s internal drum sounds.

I’ve also set up a midi machine on to channel one (BD one)

What next I ask? I’ve read the MD manual 3 times now but it only gets you so far.

I really need some help… a step by step process would be amazing and really appreciated… I’ve found no really detailed info on the web so far.

Put a midi machine on Channel 13, M1. This makes it easier to know where the midi tracks always are. Hit the kit button, hit Edit. Scroll down to MID. Arrow right and go to MID-01 (or whichever channel you prefer). HIt ENTER.
Now, exit out of there. Press Function&Global, here choose slot 1. On the control menu go to Base Channel. Hit enter and scroll that up to 12-15. This way the MD wont respond to your keyboard playing notes into it as long as you are not on OMNI on your synth. Hit enter.
Now, you are on your MIDI track. Hit the red record button. Lay down some trigs, 5 or 6 randomly. Now you should be hearing or seeing your synth getting some midi notes. If you are sending the audio back into your Machinedrum, you will need to setup another track as an input track and then place a trig on step one of that input track (triggers the gate open so you can hear whats coming in).
THis part I am a bit hazy on, I am not sure how MD records incoming midi notes. I usually always program the notes in by hand on the MD. I think if you hit record, then play, the MD will record the notes you play into it. You may have to get on your synth and make sure it is on channel one and not Omni. I hope this helps somewhat.

Once you have it working, go to the effects page of your midi track. Change the CC1 value to that of your synths filter cutoff knob (in the back of your synths manual is a list of numbers usually labelled CC or NRPN, find filter cutoff and the proper CC#). Now twist the CC1V knob and there you have your filter cutoff. Now hold down one of your trigs and while holding it, twist the CC1v knob to a different parameter. Now the filter responds to each trig you have P-Locked creating cool sounds !! Have fun man!