Midi Wizards - Machinedrum to MPC?

I’m trying to setup my machinedrum to my mpc so that the machinedrum acts as the master and mpc as slave. I can’t get my mpc temp to be controlled by the machinedrum or the sequencer stop/start. I can just trigger individual midi notes from the machinedrum using the mpc as a sound module but the machinedrum pads not assigned as midi machines still trigger sounds on the mpc.

Current Setup:

Machinedrum midi out connected to MPC 2000xl midi in
Machinedrum setup to send tempo out
Machinedrum control out off

I’d either like to have the mpc sequencer run with the machinedrums, or have the machinedrum trigger samples on the mpc with midi machines, but without having the normal drum machines on machinedrum trigger mpc samples.

If you want to get the MD to control the transport (start/stop) on the MPC, you would have to set the MD’s ‘CTRL OUT’ setting to ‘ON’.

Which MIDI channels do you have set up on the MD (‘BASE CHANNEL’ setting) and which channels do you have assigned on the MPC? Try setting the ‘BASE CHANNEL’ to ‘-’.

Ah, typed that wrong my machinedrum is setup with:

tempo in internal
Control in off
Tempo out on
Control out on

Is there anyway to make it so the machinedrum pads that I have drum machines setup on (trx etc.) wont trigger notes on what I midi out to? I noticed this on the mpc and my synths, so I can setup midi machines which work fine, but if I also want to add drums to it I can’t because my kicks and snares will also trigger midi notes on the mpc/ synths.

Yes. Set MD’s ‘BASE CHANNEL’ setting to ‘-’.

Awsome, got it working thanks!

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