Midicake Arp

This looks interesting …

The news article suggests it’s spec is still evolving and it’s not available yet. But the makers product page

puts a price on it.


Oh, I’d missed this. Thanks for posting it!

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Anyone have tested this ?

So, I bougth it few days ago.
I didn’t have time to dive deep but I spent some hours on it. Here is my first impressions.
The hardware looks a bit cheap first, especially the knobs but I’m used to Elektron and Vermona.
After some time, it’s ok and the knobs are precises and work very well.
The other buttons are kind of silent pads, I like them.
There is no power switch. Why ?

The software is very well made. You have to read the manual first to understand the logic, but then it’s very easy to navigate.
The sequences it generate are incredible. I made an acid pattern in few seconds. There are tons of parameters to modify that can change the vibe instantly. Like they said, there is no random, only complexity. That mean a set of parameters will always produce the same pattern. That is very cool to learn the thing and start to be accurate on what you want.
About parameters, just changing the gate, direction, bounce and repeat change the simple arp into a complex insane bassline, and there are tons more parameters to tweak!
You can also create chords and pads (chords without release) but I have not dig this yet.
There are lot of feature I have not explored yet but from what I learnt I can say it’s a very powerful piece of gear.
The Digitakt is the master, it start the arp, changes the root note, and can also modify parameters of arp with his LFO. The thing will become crazy !
So, I’m very excited about this, if you are bored of step sequencer or piano roll and want a new way to generate complexe pattern, this box is for you.

I will try to put some demo sound of a pattern generation.


thanks for the review!

As a belgian user, I am a bit affraid the import fee will be an issue :frowning: I would buy it if there was a way to get it here.

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I’d also be interested in a review with Elektron gear, price seems a bit up there though. Up to 8 devices, so I see that as 8 Elektron tracks. Thought about a compact dedicated MIDI arp myself since Syntakt doesn’t have one. Right now I am using a Novation Launchkey Mini, and the mutate function gives a lot of unexpected variety with creation.

I am really spoiled by the way scales & keyboard fold are presented on the Digi boxes though and that is where I would ideally design my arps. I’m sure if I bought something like this, Digitone would finally get that MIDI arp update :sweat_smile:

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of course it would :smiley:

The import fee is not an issue if you know there will cost more than announced on the website.
I paid 320 pounds, paypal conversion charge me 423€. Then DHL transport send me a mail for 110€ as import tax.
It’s a bit expensive, but I wanted an OXI One first, finally this cost less and fit more my needs.

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I was always frustrated by the too simple midi on DT and the lack of arpeggiator, even a basic one. I can’t get more happy with midicake ARP on the DT, that is a huge midi update!

well, that’s your POV :smiley: 26% of import tax is an argument, in my opinion.

what was appealing to me was its size and its price; but it will cost almost 450€ for “just an ARP” (it’s very simplistic and therefore not really true, I admit it :smiley: while I bought a Micromonsta 2 for 150€ less.

I’ll pass on this one (Am I finally controlling my GAS? :scream:)

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Very interesting. If I could find one in the states, I’d definitely snap it up. From the videos, it strikes me as very similar to a t|so T-1 only with a screen and without CV. Anyone familiar with both that can speak to the comparison?

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I have one. It’s brilliant for live accompaniment to playing your main instrument(s) live.

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Methinks this is one to keep an eye on.

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I made a quick jam using the midicake ARP

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I’m interested

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Reminds me of Fugue Machine, but way more sophisticated.

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Really interested by this. It might be a good buddy to my Torso T1, and it seems like a serious NDLR contestant. I’m waiting for the NDLR update to decide, I’m not sure yet.

Just one thing, living in France, I fear the custom fees.

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I not tryed NDLR but the Midicake ARP is a beast for composing track. Espacially when you use it with an Elektron sequencer and Plocking some midi CC parameters and change chords from midi.

I’m from France too, the custom fee is about 110€. The ARP with shipping is about 420€. For me it’s worth the money but I understand it can be a little too much expensive.


From the newletter:

Hello, fellow arpeggiator enthusiasts. It has been an amazing few weeks at Midicake.

The 2nd batch of ARP was released in February following improvements to the hardware. This was quickly followed by February’s firmware update, which was very well received with loads of amazing feedback. This was a big update and proved we could deliver new and unanticipated features thanks to the original hardware design.

We then had a fantastic reception at Syntheast where we met many incredibly interesting and like-minded people. This was a great experience and an opportunity to demonstrate many features of ARP and get immediate feedback. I also had the great privilege of talking to a number of celebrities in the synth community.

Demand rose sharply and we quickly sold all available stock. However, we already had components on order for the next batch and are on track for shipping all pre-orders in the first 2 weeks of June.

There is limited availability in this batch, so pre-order on the website now to avoid disappointment.

March also brought a flurry of interest online, thanks to amazing feature videos from Adam Ware, Starsky Carr, and RedMeansRecording

So what next?

Development is ongoing towards the next Firmware update which will contain even more useful and exciting features to expand ARP’s capabilities. We are aiming to release this update in early Summer.

We’re also busy working on a series of Tutorial videos for ARP. These will be released on our YouTube channel over the coming weeks and will provide an easy guide on how to get up to speed quickly with ARP.

Lastly, on a personal note, starting a new business is all about confidence. I’ve been working on ARP for over 2 years and it has been tough at times to juggle the project with my day job. During this time it was the overwhelmingly positive feedback for ARP has kept me motivated. I love working on Midicake projects and it was always my goal to get to the stage where I could work full-time on developing ARP and new product ideas, and hopefully making Midicake a sustainable business.

Well, here we are. In April I left my job as a Software Architect to focus 100% on Midicake. I could only do this with the belief in ARP that you gave me, through kind words, fantastic feedback, and your love and support. Thank you.

I’m super excited about the future of Midicake and I look forward to updating you in the next newsletter.

Make good music!


It’s look like this ARP will have some nice updates in future.