midiOx sysex receive

hi guys … angry and upset about 2015 and elektrons sysex / patch handling …grrr… still I share this to see if I can do better! … please comment !

in A4 I am in Sound Manager and go to the desired patch that I want to send from the A4 to my PC win7 64bit

I mark the sound with YES on the A4, a little tick is displayed …I press the Right button and select SEND SYSEX …

A4 is connected to Scarlett Midi Out A4 to Midi In Scarlett… in Midi OX the Midi Input is Scarlett and no midi out in midi ox selected

on my PC I have MidiOX open, Midi Port Activity shows blinking lights, and the A4 is recognized …also in the A4 I have the USB Midi Out option selected …

in MidiOX I select the sysex View and Scratch Pad
and select:

Sysex Receive Manual Dump

(to make things easier in Midi Ox all my folders go to the same destination, Desktop / Tmp that is the folder I want my sysex dumps to be received…

MidiOx tells me it is waiting for Sysex … on the A4 I hit SendSysex. then Midi OX tells me 415 bites received …
I klick DONE,
go to Display Window, then Save AS … I type the file name that I want to save the sysex as, off course the same name as I had the patch saved in my A4 (why is this not done automatically)…

and finally the file appears in my desktop folder on PC …

jesus! so complicated! ??? is there an easier way? just trying to avoid C6 off course …

also the A4 tells me 1 Sound received, but I was actually sending the sound…never mind…