Might have hit a jackpot! lucky purchase?

snateched this over the week end it didnt last more 2 mins before I got it,
the seller got in touch with me very fast to tell me he was dropping it off this morning, Im still very nervous about the purchase but lets hope everything on it works as it should, he states on the listing that it works perfectly so I guess all I can ask is for you guys to wish me luck lol


Congrats man!


The general rule is that if it’s too good to be true it probably is… but since this is ebay you have nothing to lose. Fingers crossed!


Do a reverse image search on that photo.


jackpot. sounds too good!

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Nice score!

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yep no image was found when doing a reverse search , well Ill report back once I get it, :smiley: o boy!!

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nice! =) you should use the paypal payment, if possible… just in case :wink: