Mini mixer recommendations

So I need to scale my mixer down even smaller in preparation for travelling overseas. My Mackie 802 is lovely, but too big for such a purpose.

Can anyone recommend a good quality 4 or 5 channel mixer with 2 stereo inputs. I looked at the Mackie 402 but it only has one stereo input (and two monos, which I could pan but would be interested to know of good quality mixers with 2 stereo so I only have to twiddle one volume knob for each input).

So far I’ve seen Alto, Behringer and Wharfedale models, but they all seem to lack the tank-like wonder of the Mackie. But I could be convinced if the quality is good in people’s experience.

Opinions appreciated.


I’m giving the Keith McMillen K-Mix a hard look as a potential travel mixer and audio interface. Waiting till I can actually get my hands on one (supposedly releasing next month) before making the decision, but it does look like a nice, compact solution.

If eq & outputs for fx sends aren’t important then I’d go with this guy. Cheap too.

Had one of those tiny behringers once, can’t say I was particularly impressed with it. Another brand worth looking at is Rolls - looks they do some fairly small stuff, also field mixers & whatnot…

Edit: Just remembered Tapco (Greg Mackie’s original mixer company). Had a live gig saved by one of those little guys once.

Looks like flowerpot guy has been stocking up on vintage tapcos!!

The Keith McMillen looks a bit “woo woo” for my needs, very enticing design though.

The little Yamaha could be just the ticket, since Tapco’s seem to be somewhat scarce. The Yamaha looks nicely solid too, not Mackie solid maybe, but well built nonetheless.


Mackie mix5
Around 6"x7"x1.6"

Very portable.

ooh, I missed that little beastie.
It has tape in/out too, unlike the Yamaha.
And a lower price tag.
Good stuff!

Ordered, at a little over £50.

Thanks Adam,
and Rex and Mies for the previous suggestions.

ooh, I missed that little beastie.
It has tape in/out too, unlike the Yamaha.
And a lower price tag.
Good stuff!

Ordered, at a little over £50.

Thanks Adam,
and Rex and Mies for the previous suggestions.[/quote]
I used one for a while when Rytm’s compressor was compressing everything. I’d send A4/MnM/TB-3 to Mix5, and then Mix5 to Rytm input.
Worked great. Good clean sound. Fairly cheap too.

Never tried out but been told these are pretty good
Anyone has it?

That was quick.

Juno Records don’t waste any time.

Alex, I’ve seen decent write ups on the little Wharfedale mixer.
Don’t know much about them though.

I’m using an Allen and Heath Zed 10fx, you have two stereo channels and fyour mono/ mic in channels. The effects arent amazing but still somewhat usefull if your doing live stuff. The sound is good though, you can drive the mixer a bit.

All channels contain 3band EQ
and 2 sends to each channel, but mono sends((