Minimal & Microhouse Live Improvised Jam (Modular, MPC, Digitakt)

Hi friends,
I was recently invited to join this duo of friends for a live, improvised jam.
I myself played with just a Digitakt, but there’s a lot of gear involved, as you can see :slight_smile:
Hope you enjoy it, I certainly had a great time.


Me like this and need something like this in my life

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De pura rumba :man_dancing:

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digging it so far! any pics of the full setup? looks like a pretty hefty modular stage left.

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I’m not sure if there are any… but I’ll ask!

Here you go… most of it, at least :wink:

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interesting! looks like your Digitakt is missing!

also I don’t think I’m familiar with that modular. any idea what it is? the 5U one in the wood cabinet.

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asked one of my friends, here’s his response (roughly translated from spanish):

it’s a 5u system based in Yusynth, built in Argentina by a synth-aficionado engineer.
Most modules are based on Yusynth and Moog designs and were built between 2005 and 2011.

Hope that helps!

here’s an image of some of the other modules used on the other case:

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