Minimalist controllers

Standard controllers are great, but I wish there were more that keep things simple. Please post any you find. This one only ships in the US at the moment, but I’m hoping there are other manufacturers that are into the idea.


Dear lord, that is a thing of American beauty right there.


Woah, really nice! plop a couple elektrons on top and you would have a nice minimal groove keyboards set up! the price is actually better than I would expect for an aesthetics/minimal boutique product like that.

The buchla LEM218 seems pretty minimal to me and I always wanted one… the cost for them is something like 1,600 if you can even find one though. I have to say there is something very inviting about looking at the buchla lem, it just looks fun.

future retro makes something similar but for half the price and more functions, still pretty minimal looking yet gaudy at the same time lol. I had one briefly but it didn’t function properly, over all it was super light weight and kinda felt cheap which for the price was pretty disappointing. So I decided against getting a functioning one after I returned it.

Doepfer makes the LMK units that seem pretty minimal/industrial in design. Look like they are made for taking on the road.

8 Likes makes two wonderfully minimal midi controllers


I’ve been in touch with these guys now. Seems they do ship global, but you gotta ask specifically. Here’s hoping, at least.

If this is true, then I’ll get this one, trade back my OB-6 which is still on trial and get the module version instead, to hook up with this keyboard.

I’ve always wanted a beautiful, straight and no nonsense midi keyboard that just has awsome keys, looks fantastic and nothing more. Like a Prophet 6 but just keys and maybe a knob or two. This is exactly that. And the empty surface would fit my Blackbox, and the Blackbox would power the damn thing through its host functionality.

I’d have the coolest battery powered keyboard rig in the neighbourhood.

It’s a small hood, though. And I think I’m the only musician living here. And I’m really uncool.

So it’s not like it’s a hard-earned medal or anything :slight_smile: still, though :slight_smile:


I also thought of controlling desktops with it. P6, A4, etc. I love the idea of separating the flashy interfaces from the controller, so you can turn away from it if desired. I hope they release other sizes in the future. 5 octaves is a nice size, but I could go for 3-4.

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Yeah, I mean, this is perfect. A clean, premium board with nothing but you and the keys. All controllers going for this no feature-approach always assume you’re ok with shitty key action. Glad someone finally figured out we’re not.

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I’m so happy you’re liking our design. We are working on international shipping. Should be able to offer it next week.


I really appreciate your concept! Couple questions. Are you planning other sizes in the future? Do you use Fatar keybeds?


That is sexy. Insta buy if I didn’t have a novation SL mkiii.

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Is it useable as a USB to DIN out interface ? (Meaning you can drive external synths from a DAW)

We would like to do other sizes and other instruments in the future. It does depend on how it sells though.


Yes it will work as a usb to din out interface!

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Thanks for the answer. I’m up for a 49 key version !

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Really like the no nonsense/minimalistic feel of this keyboard. Looks very well made too. I‘ve been looking for something like this for a while now.

I‘ve preordered the Osmose from Expressive-E. Will see how it turns out in summer 2020…

I’ve been loving this thing. Adafruit Neotrellis m4. Very customizable. A little Arduino knowledge required but very clear instructions available on Adafruit’s pages.

The buttons feel great, and there’s X/Y tilt. Not pricey either!


Pulled the trigger on a Extra Deluxe MFG keyboard now. Great people to deal with, so far. Don’t expect the keyboard to arrive anytime soon, it’s a heavy board and what with virus and shit flying around, I just have a feeling this will take some time.

But man, am I looking forward to a great keybed that’s just for playing and nothing else, godammit. It’ll look great with the missus’ violin, too.


Surely the Roli Lightblocks?

Afaik they still don’t have direct midi out, they can do so much stuff though. Not that cheap, but you can pick them up from the price of a few pizzas 2nd hand.

Which Keybed are you using?

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Do you still have your OB-6? Let us know how the keys compare. I really need something that matches the keybed of my OB-6 P6 and Rev2.
It’ll fit perfectly with a Squarp and Blackbox sitting on top too :kissing_heart: