Minnesota Nice (Digitone+pedals free electronics)

Hey everybody!
I’ve just had my first couple gigs with my newest solo effort, Minnesota Nice.
It’s all about un-sync’d loops, texture, and making machines argue.

Main sound source is the Digitone, with the occasional Octatrack banger.
Hope you dig it!

The “feature length” album (and a bunch of earlier stuff) is available on bandcamp.


I what pedals are you using?

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well… a LOT.

The most important are the Ghost fax, grazer, Montreal assembly 856, EHX cathedral, dl4 and the boss looper. The ringing sounds are courtesy of the Ghost fax self oscillating.

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The buffalo and horses are from Teddy Roosevelt national park, and the majority of the scenery is from Yellowstone.

There were buffalo on our campsite when we rolled into Roosevelt… and they really didn’t give a rip about us at any point. There was a young (maybe a yearling?) bull about ten feet from me the whole time I set up the tent!

This was all shot a couple summers ago with my family, shortly after my phone gained slow-motion capabilities :wink:

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