Mira for Max- any users?


Just wondering if there’s any current or past users of the Mira iPad app for controlling Max? It seems like its quite old now, tho was updated a bit a couple of years back… From what i can gather it was a bit hit and miss, particularly when using with M4L (which isnt a concern for me), and doesn’t/didn’t support bpatchers… All my patches tend to rely on multisliders and itables (both horizontal and vertical) for input, so most of the standard midi controllers i can find arent suitable, and it seems like this would be the most viable option. Anyone here have any experience?

It can be a very handy utility, but you have to accept that there are compromises between the UI elements which are supported and how they look. I think my needs evolved such that an app/tablet reliant on a computer nearby wasn’t so key (i.e. not needing to run a headless mac mini). No idea how the original ipad app differs from the later iirc more web based solution, i think my interest waned a bit because support seemed half-committed and like yourself, my UI needs were very specific and i found myself seeing hurdles. No idea if it’s still spendy or how it’s operating … last i used it was as a front end to my son’s UI-less (no screen) piano, it helped uncover hidden functionality and enabled easier interaction beyond key combos. The piano is too remote from a computer now.

It is something i am going to revisit as having a touch screen interface for custom macros etc for any device is obviously a good thing. I don’t think i pushed it too far so your mileage may vary. It’s easier than Lemur to configure, but isn’t so standalone. By the time you hook in a computer, you’re almost as well served just using it, unless touch is a key aspect of your interface.

I’m doing an editor for a DD500 just now, there’s e.g. a pattern mode which is begging to be implemented with touch multisliders, so i’m going to give Mira another go and see where it’s at. The bpatcher issue was one i’d like to hope has had some improvement, but not expecting it tbh

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There’s Touch OSC

Werks really well

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Cheers for your detailed reply. Of course am willing to accept compromises, the main objective is to just mirror (oh right Mira/mirror- didnt realise…!) the controlling elements (ie the various sliders) in my patch(es). Atm, with trackpad i can only manipulate one parameter at a time, whereas ideally a touchscreen interface would allow manipulation of numerous simultaneously. Also, the intention is that it would be used for live performance, so another question is reliability… The bpatcher thing is not exactly a deal-breaker, although in the bigger picture i had intended my current patches make extensive use of bpatcher functionality… Also, as you say, ive picked up on the impression that support for Mira has been half hearted for a long time now… I guess back to the drawing board i go!

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