Missing 'Preset' folder on octa mk1 CF Card?

Hi, looking for help:
I started back learning OT-MK1. On my OT-1 when I try to load on a track, I don’t see any Loopmasters or Elektron files in the Files menu. I see them in the ‘Audio’ Folder on the CF card in a folder I created called- ‘Ken Set’. Not sure why they are in there… I don’t see any folder named ‘Presets’. How can I fix this, and get the correct stuff in the right folders etc.
Can I just create a new Folder named ‘Presets’ ? I appreciate your help. Thanks

Create a new Set, then copy the Audio folder from “Ken Set” to the new Set.

If you register your device to your Elektron account, you can also download the factory sounds there.

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thanks. how do I create a new ‘set’? on the CF card or in the machine? I have the factory sounds in the Elektron folder, and the Loopmasters also is on there.

On the machine. Project > Set > Change > Create New Set.


By factory sounds I mean all the Elektron/Loopmasters/etc that came loaded.

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thx, what should I name the new set? in other words, can it be anything?

Whatever you’d like!

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ok, so do I need to make a Preset folder also?

No, your Set will contain an Audio folder that holds your sample files.

May be helpful to review page 16 of the manual, to understand file structure, before you get too into things.


thanks, no excuse but after so much time I forgot most. Do I copy the folder from the machine or drag and drop on the desktop using USB Disk Mode?
Looks like I do it from the desktop—using menu list.

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Yup, do it on your computer.

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should I trash the other folder/files I don’t need? Seems I have junk from projects etc I don’t need from the past.

Your call! I’d keep them on the computer, just in case.

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Thanks very much. Looks like its showing up as it should on the OT, Loopmasters is ‘Loading’ still on the desktop, not sure if that because I copied the folder.

Yeah, it takes a bit to load, Elektron gave us tons of samples. Good to go, enjoy your Octa reunion!

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Great , Loopmasters folders are showing up magically now. :slightly_smiling_face:

Another question: I only see 25 or 26 wav file samples from Elektron in the Octatrack folder, are there more than this? thx