Mission #1: A Single Pattern

Welcome to the first community run Elektronauts Mission!
I’m proud to assign you your first mission. The rules are as follows:

[li]Restricted to Analog Four/Keys, Analog Rytm, Machinedrum, Monomachine, SID Station. The Octatrack is also permitted, but only using Single Cycle Waveforms.[/li]
[li]Use one instrument only[/li]
[li]Synthesis only, no samples (with the exception of Octatrack’s simple waveform samples). The Octatrack and Machinedrum’s resampling capabilities are also not permitted.[/li]
[li]You are only allowed to use one pattern slot on this mission, eg. A 01 (variation and song structure must be achieved through other methods)[/li]
[li]The theme is Variation, seeing what you can bring out of a single pattern.[/li]
[li]Submission must be under 3 minutes long[/li]
[li]No post-processing or external effects, apart from normalisation after recording to keep playlists uniform.[/li]
[li]Post SoundCloud with download enabled (or similar service), and download link for sysex file. Description of interesting techniques or tricks you used would be great as well![/li]
[li]Mission deadline: 00:00 Sunday 3rd May[/li]
[li]Once deadline is reached, people listen to the tracks, and vote. I shall collect the songs in a playlist and set up a voting system once the deadline is reached.[/li]
[li]Voting should be based on general “quality” of the track (whatever sounds good to you), but also on how much variation can be achieved from one pattern. [/li]
[li]I’ll count the votes once everyone has voted (or after a week if people take too long)[/li]
[li]Winner assigns the next mission.[/li]
[li]The prize: Learning more about your machine and making some kick-ass music![/li]

I won’t be taking part as I’m organising the mission.

Feel free to ask questions if the rules are unclear.

Have fun, and good luck!

[li]General rules for the missions were defined here.[/li]
[li]Missions are NOT official Elektron competition. [/li]

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By “machine”, I assume you mean “instrument” (for example MM or MD)?

Ah yeah I do, sorry for the confusion.

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Thanks. And thanks for organizing!

Rad! I’m in!
Glad we have a decent time-frame as I am quite busy at the moment.

Ah, this sounds like a great challenge! That said though, I don’t think I’d do anything wacky, I’d probably go for pretty/simple rather than detailed.

Does it count if I use a MIDI keyboard to play a live solo using one of the synth engines on the MnM?

edit: does it include slowly morphing a kit/pattern Autechre style? If so, that’d be hard to show in a sysex file!

Nice one, Zillamatic - thanks. No samples, but ok to use RAM machines on the MD UW?

Thank you Zillamatic for launching the first Mission :+1:

Your rules will most definitely bring me far from my comfort zone, I’ll learn something for sure !!

May everyone have fun !

I think and external MIDI keyboard is OK as long as you’re playing it live, and it is not being sequenced by an external sequencer.

I’m not familiar with the RAM machines, or the MD in general. What does the RAM machine allow you to do? If it’s like the internal sampling the Octatrack does, I think I’ll have to ban it as it gives those machines an advantage.

And Lying Dalai asked for a theme so the theme is Variation. It will be cool to see how much dynamism and contrast you guys can get from one pattern.

I might enter if I find the time. Obviously I won’t be an option in the voting, but it would be cool to take part.

It is internal sampling, albeit way less deep in flexibility than the OT I’m guessing. Cool - no RAM machines.

Do enter! I wanna hear more of your stuff.

Oh my! I don’t suppose you could elaborate. I am relatively new here so I have no idea what you are talking about. I am assuming you mean the whole forum and negativity there?

Nice challenge. I’m in.

YES! Sounds great! Would like to make something for this!

Thanks for making this happen!

I am guessing no resampling is allowed on the OT.

Fantastic to have everyone on board so far. I’m very much looking forward to hearing all your awesome entries.

And great to have Dataline on board too! That’s correct- no resampling. Added it to the rules.

Hi all !

MD user here :joy:

Some questions :

[li]Synthesis only, no samples (with the exception of Octatrack’s simple waveform samples). The Octatrack and Machinedrum’s resampling capabilities are also not permitted.[/li]

=> So that allows only internal MD sounds ? Am I right ?

[li]You are only allowed to use one pattern slot on this mission, eg. A 01 (variation and song structure must be achieved through other methods)[/li]

=> Ok for the one pattern slot, but how many tracks can I use on this pattern ? All 16 ?
=> And how many steps can I use ? 64/64 allowed ?

Still not sure if I’m in, gonna find some time (mothafuckin work :wink: ) but I’ll do my best.

Anyway, great initiative guys, cheers to all and positive lazer beam to your faces !

Hi Nexnesis, welcome to the mission :slight_smile:

That’s right, only internal MD sounds.

And yes, one pattern slot, and you can use anything within that one pattern, all 16 tracks, 64 step length, go wild!

What about Song/ Arranger Mode? I can get a lot out of one pattern if I can utilize that option.

Alright, thanks for your fast answers Zillamatic !

oh yess… mission launched!

Absolutely, feel free to use the Song + Arranger modes.