Mixer settings for each bank?

Is there a way to save the global mixer settings (input gain, direct, etc…) per Bank or maybe per Part?
My application would be that sometimes I want to have my incoming Audio directly fed into the mix and on other songs/banks I am using thru machines and thus would need to mute the direct mix.

I believe Parts will take care of that.
When you switch banks it engages the part you’ve chosen for that pattern.
However it wont change everything unless you’ve specified plocks and triggers.
That allows for delay, reverb, sample tails to last between switching banks

I can’t make Parts taking care of the mixer settings though…

Concerning Mixer, there is 1 per part possibility : plock XDIR = MIN to scenes. Can’t see other things.

Btw, unless I missed something, setting XDIR, XLVL or XVOL to MAX is useless. Only MIN have an effect. Any opinion on this ?

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That’s the best workaround I could find as well. It’s a bit of a setup marathon to do it that way, but better than nothing. Thanks for the input!

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