Mixers 2020

Is your computer linked to the ground (3 points power plug)
If so, you might want to find an adapter that removed the ground point.

So maybe a ground loop issue? Hadn’t thought of that. Is there not a risk to my PSU (or to me!) if I remove the ground pin?

Electrics are grounded for a reason, which is safety. Having said that, the risk of getting an electric shock from your computer in a bedroom/studio environment is very remote: you would have to spill beer on your computer, then wipe the beer off while the computer is plugged in and working (just to give an everyday example). :beers:

This would not be advisable with a blow-dryer washing machine or kitchen appliances that get wet in proper everyday use :toilet:

I dont think you risk much, but indeed the best solution would be to make sure your cables don’t create the ground loop.
Like: use better USB cables that kill ground loops.

I wish it had 4 stereo aux sends… why does everyone is so stingy with that?! If I was a manufacturer it were at least 4 … always.

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I think as you move towards more aux busses and more flexible routing options, the cost advantage of entry-level, but very decent digital mixers (eg A&H Qu series) becomes overbearing.

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What do you want to use the stereo sends for? I did some testing on my mixer, and i couldnt really notice a difference between mono and stereo sends to my delays and reverbs. But i use them 100% wet. But for stuff like compressors and Analog Heat, i just use group bus’es instead.

I just want to be able to send to different reverbs, delays or inputs of the OT or whatever I could think of. And I dislike the idea of losing stereo… somehow.

Indeed that mixer seems to be the best options …or are there any others like that?

Midas boards?
6 sends & returns

What are MIDAS boards?

For example the Midas Venice 160, 240 or 320 - 2x aux send, 2x monitor send and 2x fx sends.
Venice are pretty popular amongst techno people :slight_smile:

Also the other Venice models afaik have 6 sends, then there are the larger Midas consoles ofc.


Occasionally lust after a Venice 160, super versatile and compact but pricey. I currently use a Mackie 1202 with a bunch of dents that cost me £50!

Used to have a Mackie 1402 VLZ Pro
Bought a Venice 160
Now want a 240 or 320 :blush:
Routing is heaven on these: groups, inserts, master inserts, 6 aux sends etc…
EQ is surgical


Haha always need a tradeup!
The routing is a big attraction, the 1202 is good for its size with the alt 3/4 feeding 2x OT inputs, but it would be great to get everything running through a mixer and then feed the OT and MPC from there. The other 2 OT inputs and the MPC are “hardwired” to modular and turntable currently. And yes I’ve heard great things about the EQ also. One day…

EDIT: there’s a place selling used 160s for 550!

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Thanks… but I would need to buy a house. WAF = 0.0 :smile:

This thread has the topic Mixers in 2020. So I wouldn‘t recommend Vintage stuff here …or a Yamaha O2R digital Mixer which are huge and meant for professional multitrack of whole orchestras.

What are my options for a good one in 2020? USB class compliant, MADi/ADAT expandable would be the bare minimum to have as many send/returns as I want. Is that a thing? I know that‘s how a mixer I designed would look like… the Model 1 looks like a mixer I would want in my tiny space. So optics are also pretty important next to size.

But I guess then I should rather think about an Apollo or RME rackunit… losing the physical faders of course.

I’ve been looking at the Tascam Model 12 and 16. I currently have a Soundcraft 12MTK, and while I love it, it’s a temperamental board where the USB Returns and Inputs some times go on the fritz for no apparent reason, other than having cheap parts in the mixer from what I gather…

Was going to buy a 22MTK just before finding about a second hand Midas 160.
Not looking back :slight_smile:
although the appeal of a board+soundcard in one box… :slight_smile:

Yeah, like I said, when it works it’s magical. Knock on wood…it’s been pretty stable for me the past month, so I shouldn’t jinx it :slight_smile:

Right now I have my Maschine+ running 8+ channels with Digitone, AS-1 on 2 additional channels into the board, to EQ, Mix, Pan and add onboard fx, before sending it along to my Scarlett 18i8 to be recorded on the iPad inside of AUM.

Working well…

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