Mixers 2020

How do you like your AS-1?
This thing is a beast :slight_smile:
All my hardware synths (Deepmind 12, MiniNova, AS-1, MicroFreak, Digitakt and TR-8 go into Midas 160.
Couple of hardware effects and VST effects as sends, FLR RNC on master’s insert and Bob is your uncle :slight_smile:Now awaiting for:
NDLR (should arrive this week)
MS-1 (still not sure about this one…)
Next GR-1 for Granular and eventually HydraSynth :slight_smile:
Seeing a patchbay as a future option :slight_smile:

In the market for a new mixer and considering zed 14. I read the manual but wasn’t 100% if I could do what I wanted - I’ll have 4 stereo inputs to send down channels and 2x post fader fx to return. the dual stereo inputs handle that right - just sent the ST rtn and 2trk rtn to the LR?

Also its 384mm wide and I have 370 on my shelf - do you reckon I can take the red cheeks off the side (and what’s under there!!)

Yeah, with the switch set to L/R, STN RTN and 2TRK RTN will function like normal returns, the signal goes straight to the main mix and you got the four stereo channels like on a normal mixer.

You can take them off, sure. I can take a pic later with the red plastic cheeks off and check meassurements.

Awesome thanks @Schnork
Don’t worry about disassembling your mixer, think I’m pretty sold :slight_smile:
Instead of the alt 3/4 on my current Mackie, I’ll use the 2x pre-fader auxes to feed 2x OT inputs.
Will be nice to have some proper faders too!

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What’s the smallest mixer with 6 axes (4x pre-fader), or 2 auxes with 4 subgroups?
My OCD wants me to run all my sources into the mixer for gain staging and EQ, and then route 4 sub outputs from the mixer to the 4 OT inputs for full flexibility.
It has to go on a shelf with 37cm width.

I think there isn’t one that fits all that (unless digital, but I prefer an analogue board) so I’m about to buy a Zed 14 and hardwire 2 of the OT inputs to synths I always run to thru tracks, and use the 2 pre-fader axes flexibly.

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If you were willing to go digital,the he Qu-Pac is a bit wider than that, but you don’t need the actual unit in mix position, and you could definitely get a tablet mount plus midi fader unit in that spot.

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I’ve been on the fence for a long time now wondering which multitrack usb mixer to buy. I keep coming back around to the Soundcraft Signature MTK 12/22 but one thing that nearly put me off completely was whether they’d be compatible with Apple Mac OS Big Sur and the new M1 chip. Searching their website didn’t look promising as the listing for Mac compatibility states: " Mac: Supports Mac OS 10.7.x Lion through 10.11.x El Capitan"

However I emailed their support on the off chance this was wrong, since I seemed to remember that the Soundcraft uses core audio. Thankfully this was the reply from their engineer:

As far as I am aware of it, CoreAudio hasn’t changed with the new processors, so all of our consoles shall be working fine audio wise with the M1 processors.

So if anyone was on the fence about the Soundcraft Signature MTK 12/22 worrying about whether they’ll be compatible with the new M1 based Mac, it sounds like you don’t need to worry.

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It fits! Just…


I know this is a “2020” thread, but 2021 has been a year of mixer obsession for me. I’ve really been into high-quality, compact mixers lately. I just got this one today, and I’m loving the design.


How do you like it?
I kinda like the modular mixer concept they have, but it‘s got a bit of a too high a price tag for me

Returned two MTK12s and a regular 12. Store just bought it back at full price about a month ago and the whole experience with them was a little over a year. Won’t buy another Soundcraft again. Sad, as they’re otherwise decent for what you pay. Going to a DJ mixer for the setup as it makes more sense from a performance standpoint.

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Well, uptil now I’ve been quite happy with my Zoom Livetrak L-12, but my synths outnumbered my channels. So last week, I bought the Midas M32R Live + stagebox DL32. Plenty of channels, motorized faders (instead of position leds on the zoom), lots of routing possibilities and a lot less cables. I’m currently building a brand new compact studio in my garage, so I still need to finish that before I reinstall everyting. And for my effects routing, I use a patch bay.

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Soundcraft make quality high end mixers for sure, but it seems that price competition on the low end is so fierce that they also need to cut corners there.

Yeah. I recall reading that the original designer of the 12MTK had some disappointment with what was released. Wish he had dug in his heels to see it all through but i am sure it was a political mind field.

Here’s a screenshot from the comments he made on a YouTube video of the mixer:

Link to video:

It’s such a great idea for a mixer but the QA and QC on the hardware is definitely not intended for regular professional use.

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I had to chance to mess with this last night, and I absolutely love it. This mixer is supposed to be really good for recording sound for cinema, and it makes the transients from my drum machine sound amazing. Pushing the gain sounds very tape-like; it really makes snares snap, and kicks punchy. I’m really digging the EQ curves too. The reverb sounds good on some snares/claps, but not hi-hats; it isn’t too adjustable, and has some sort of preset pre-delay. I like how it sounds on lead synth sounds a lot though, and that’s where I’ll be using it.

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: )


Anyone know what the cost is for the 8 ch?

I “think” it’s 5k per channel or something, more for stereo and more for CV channels of course.

For the AM1, at least in 2014 an 8 channel mono would run you about €20k. Gearslutz - View Single Post - Zahl AM1