Mixers 2020

Just some references:

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$5k per channel and my snare would still sound like shit o__o


Nothing to offer other than I’ve been gassing bad for a SSL SiX for my soon to be new studio. It looks/sounds amazing. Wish I had grabbed it while on sale last November.

High end mixers makes vintage synths seem cheap. hehe. Zahl seems awesome!

That’s a lot of money. I’m going to stick with what I’ve got I think :slight_smile:

Just got this today :heart_eyes:


I mean - I feel like soundcraft should be able to give you a more definitive answer than AFAIK

at this point you can invest in API500 format and it is not monolithic like this

Elektronauts, I’m having a hard time figuring out how to integrate hardware effects into my setup. My mixer is a Soundcraft Signature 12 MTK (see image below) and I’d like to send track(s) to an OTO Bim delay. The brain of my setup is an Octatrack. In addition to the Octatrack, I have a Rytm, a DB-01, and a Vermona Perfourmer (and sometimes other gear) going into the mixer. I’d like to set it up so I can send any of the tracks individually to the Bim.

The confusing thing is that the Signature 12 MTK doesn’t appear to have conventional ‘send’ channels. There are 3 ‘Aux’ outs and 2 group outs. It looks like you can route signals to those Aux channels. But I’m still unsure how to configure everything.

Here is an image of the Signature 12. Does anyone have any advice on how to set up an external hardware unit to work with it? I’m an idiot.

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You take out your signal through the Aux
(which you can dose by section)
and you enter an empty track.
I have the same and miss de tracks.


As simonbradford said, you should connect one of the AUX outputs to your FX input, the FX output to a mono or stereo mixer channel. Usually with this configuration the FX is set to full WET so you can decide the amount to send to the FX for each mixer channel.
You should connect the Octa to the Mix Sub out for sampling if you wish. And the RYTM input to another AUX also for sampling.
Many possibilities

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I was following you until this part. My bad for not knowing this, but what is Mix Sub out?

With the Grp 1 & 2 outputs of the table connected to the OT,
you can register the machine (s) you want by routing it (s) to groups 1-2.
The second suggestion is to use one of the Aux outputs connected to the AR
to also sample what you want there. A world of possibilities.

Nothing beats Mackie 1604 VLZ4 versatility at the moment for the ones still in production.

Sorry, it is GRP1&2 outputs.
Beside each fader you have two switches, you can assign the mixer channel output to the Master Out (MST) and/or the Group 1-2
If you connect the Octa inputs to the GRP1-2 outputs, and you route one (or more) channel to these groups, the signal goes to the OCTA inputs, then you can record that signal. But you can also mangle it, apply the OCTA FX’s, etc and send the resulting signal back to the mixer channel assigned to the OCTA.

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Exactly, also the A&H MixWizard is not bad :wink:


Not bad at all… until the price :smiley: …and less returns

what‘s that?

PLAYdifferently MODEL 1.4

Ah - was mir first thought! How do you like it? The EQ seems “different”…?