Mixers 2020

I’m actually still waiting on some stereo RCA to 1/4 inch cables to arrive for me to properly test it out.

Next up some mastersounds mixer?
MasterSounds Radius 4V Boutique Analogue Rotary DJ Mixer

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The smaller one looks tasty! Are you using it with synths or for djing?

I plan on using it for production in my main rig. I have a Roland Integra 7 with multiple stereo outputs; I plan on using them to bus different sounds to be processed by the channel strips of the MODEL 1.4. Then, I can send them all via aux to 2 channels to be sidechained by my TR-8S while I process the TR-8S with the remains aux return.

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I would recommend using the Dsub 25 for balanced input.

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I’ll take a look into it; haven’t used them before.

Check for example Cordial CFD 1.5 DVT - it breaks out the DSub into 8 1/4 inch jacks.

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Hi all, feel a bit silly asking this as I’m pretty certain the answer is no, but since quite a few here have the a&h zed 14 just wondering if there is a way to do some alternative routing for the alt out, specifically for recording/sampling

Got one yesterday and really liking it so far, I’m currently using the main record rca outs to sample into the octatrack but would be really handy to have another way to route it


This popped up on Reverb:

What do we think? Worth it? Will it make my Model:Cycles claps sound less shit?


You can use the pre fader stereo aux sends to route a stereo mix of channels to your OT or into your DAW.

It will accentuate just how spectacularly shit they really are.


If you are in the market for many pre-fade aux-es, the MixWizard is similar but more flexible;
Also for me I like to “return” to normal channel that I can feedback loop back to the aux effect so I do not miss the many “returns”
Mix-wizards have extra “hidden” returns as double stereo inputs if you are running out of inputs. I was impressed so I bought two (I am selling one)

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I think you need two, for stereo.


What kind of gas mileage do those things get?

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I wish I had room for one of these! Or that all 4 auxes on Zed 14 were switchable pre/post.

I have used zed14 before, nice desk-long faders, but yeah, no fine tuning of the aux;
On MixWizard you can modify stuff under the hood, one useful thing is to jumper-set the aux-es for stereo effects, so 1,3,5 would go to the L out, and 2,4,6 would go to the R, having true stereo aux send.

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Would be so cool to have something like that. Except for the $10 000 yearly power and maintenance bills. He he

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This is my 2021 mixer, a 962 Studer
Freshly imported from Sevilla to Berlin!


Nice! Does it have the integrated ashtray? Had to laugh when I saw that on an older Studer mixer for sale here in Norway a while back.


That might have been the Norwegian mod style.
This is without ashtray but a nice direct out post EQ mod, so I´m very happy.