Mixers 2020

Wood panels matching the the era of the console :sunglasses:

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Very much indeed!

I think it was a 169 or 189. Earlier broadcast models had them. He he.

Put them through the talkback compressor. That’ll sort them out.

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Would love to know how this compares to a SSL Six. I love the Six but the extra Chanel, eq and filters for each and a master eq and filter would be bloody great! I’d miss the compressor though

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I used one of these on my Music Production diploma course (almost 10years ago). It was glorious, and overwhelming. Having the recorder on inserts, with a 2nd inline fader for the return, was a little mind-bending, but has left me wanting inserts on every channel when I finally buy a mixer. The Total Recall was still manual for the pots. It used a tiny b&w screen that was hard to read (my eyesight’s poor). It must have seemed magic when it was new, but almost felt archaic after using a DAW.

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I bought a Xone 96, excellent DJ mixer, very clean and flexible.
But the EQ was not good for “studio” mixing. Not because of the quality, it is an excellent EQ, but I found it different from standard Studio/PA mixers, I don’t like them for studio /mixing purposes. So I had to return the device.


Hi there, i’ve sold my Midas Venice F16 last year to buy a APB H1020 console and i was really happy with this decision. This console sounds great and have some unique features like a variable HPF per channel wich is great for users like me who just work only with analog and modular gear to clean up the mix. It has also really nice EQ’s and enough sends for all my effect units.

Few days ago i buyed a second APB H1020 to link booth of them togehter, wich transform 2x APB H1020 into a 32-channel console (24 mono / 8 stereo or dual mono channels). This will be defently enough channels for me over the next few years!




I’d love to check one out but they’re pretty rare. the bigger desks are more common, but they’re usually located nowhere near me and are pickup only.

anyway, congrats!

Thank you.

What u mean with pretty rare ?
I buyed them in Germany at Pro Audio-Technik, and they have them still on stock.

I could ask them for a retailer in your near if you are intersted :slight_smile:

I’m in the states. I know of no retailers here (even though they’re a US company). but my comment was mostly directed at the used market, which is what I prefer and seems to be the only option these days. those sales are pickup only (as they’re typically the larger desks, people don’t want to ship them) and usually not near me.

Yeah Xone are DJs mixers

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How do you like the overall sound, comparing to Midas?
EQs? Saturation? Dynamic range? What’s the character of it? “Transparent”, “fat”?

Thinking to replace my Allen Heath with Midas, but maybe APB is the way…

I would say that the APB sounds more clean and SSL-stylish than the Midas, better clarity and the EQs are dope!

Things i prefer about the APB are the variable HPF Filter, non click Mutes, ergonomics, metering, pre/post on all sends and the linking option to chain 2 or more desks together.


Those APBs look great.
How much did you pay for one?

Hi, i payed around 2600€ net incl shipping.
Buyed it at proaudio-technik.de


thanks for the info.

Just started checking out my new Yamaha 01v96i today plugging a few things in after adding the new analog input card in the slot here. Love this mixer a bargain at £899 these were £2499 on release. FX sound fantastic but I can see I have a deep learning curve here but will be worth it.

Fitting the new MY8 AD24

It’s in

Time to test

Yamaha 01v96i


Just scored this Midas beauty for £400, superb condition. Took off the side cheeks, replaced the FireWire board and now have 16 tracks I/O - working great with OS Catalina :+1:


Very nice! Off topic, but may I ask what stand you are using for the eurorack cases?

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