Mixers 2020

No problem at all, but I don’t have a “stand” as such. I built the cases myself and integrated detachable (screw) legs into the case so I can make them in higher or lower depending on my needs, or take them off completely.


Beautiful cases! Is the back one on a guitar stand?

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Thanks! No, it’s just sitting on top of the bottom case and leaning again the wall :slight_smile: all secure though!

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anyone has experiences with Souncrafts FX16ii? Looks like a perfect little mixer for a hybrid mixing/recording setup with direct outs on each of the 16 channels. Surprised it wasn’t mentioned here in the thread (at least I think it wasn’t).

Does anyone using a zed 14 notice uneven output between l&r on the main xlr outputs? It’s only maybe 1 dB or so on mine but quite annoying!

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Do you use any sort of DAW controller or anything? This is the big gotcha with these nice PREs, you’re forced to use either their own proprietary mixing app or your DAW.

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What do you mean, replaced the firewire board? With what? How? I’m really looking hard at a F32 at the moment, and that digital side has me concerned.

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Can have a try with the zed60-14 FX this weekend. Maybe even a measurement. I’ll tell you.

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I did notice that with mine when I had one actually. Was only a small difference as you say.
I was never serious enough about recording anything to bother too much!

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I have an A&H zed mixer and it just stopped working. No pops, clicks or loud noises when it stopped working, it just turned off during a session and didn’t come back on. Totally dead. Frustrating because it’s in great condition and taken care of. Tried changing fuse but nothing.

Is it worth repairing or is dying without any clear cause probably a sign it’s screwed? It’s the zed8i and was about £140. I think probably cost near that to have it looked at and repaired?

The FireWire chip was blown, it was common to happen when connecting and reconnecting the FireWire cable, so if you have a working card, just leave the cable connected. A new FireWire card was over £200 from MusicTribe but they are not supplying them anymore, so the only solution is to replace the Texas Instruments chip on the board, which costs £10. We verified it working on Gearspace forum

I don’t use any sort of controller at the moment. Just Logic :slight_smile:

OK, measured it on my Zed60-14FX

I have a channel difference of <0.1 dB at output levels above around -12 dB and the difference grows up to max 0.5 dB at output levels below -16 dB. This behaviour is independent from the input channel, mono and stereo inputs. I think this a reasonable result for an analog mixer as the tolerance of common potentiometers is around 20%.

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Thanks for that man

Lovely friend just offered me a Speck Xtramix SSM line mixer, so now i’m curious about a change of main mixer-

Currently have a Pioneer Ramsa 4424 but…. it’s a beast. I want something smaller, doesn’t have to be anywhere near 24 channel.

I do enjoy mic preamp, transformers, eq on channel strip and the like, but I also really hate moving it around and rewiring behind it.

Is there any small “mojo” mixer I should be considering? Stereo FX buses would be a plus, simple workflow preferred, maybe not the Big SiX.

At this price range should i just buy something like a Dr Bills Silver Bullet MK2?

Or might there be some anomaly
no longer in production 8 channel analogue mixer i should look into whenever it pops up?

Persons do rack channel strips, but i don’t know what would be affordable there either.