Mixers 2020

Wow the Lynx Aurora sounds so open an clear! Thanks for making this!

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Welcome! I really like having a mixer when I’m working up songs, but the Lynx is tough to beat for sound…then again the price very much reflects that. It was a huge sacrifice to come up with the dough for it


Hey so since this is the mixer thread, I received a tascam model 16 today, I have all my gear plugged in and I can hear everything just fine, but my microkorg is on channels 1-2 and the signal is mono, I’ve also tried using the pan for both channels and all I’ve got is a mono signal, this goes for my octatrack signal as well using the same method. I’ve read throughout the manual and I can’t seem to wrap my head around it

Do you have channel 1 panned hard left and 2 panned hard right? You should be able to hear the separation and see the meter bouncing left and right on the main meter when you pan things around on the Octatrack.

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I do see it, but I don’t hear it in the headphones. So that’s where I get confused.

Make sure all of the PFL switches are off on every channel. That way you only hear the main out. Don’t mention it. I just tested it and that is most likely why you weren’t able to hear.

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Cool as soon as I’m home I’ll test it out. I’m returning from mini hike :grin: thanks for the help, it’s really awesome

Edit: alright NOW I’m able to monitor headphones and hear the panning, thanks again
It’s working similar to my studio master logic 12 mixer, just different interface haha

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No problem. I have the model 24 and the manual isn’t great. Let me know if that was the issue. Enjoy your hike.

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I don’t know about the other Models but the TASCAM Model 12 has MIDI I/O, which can be synced to hardware gear without a laptop. It can be both the master and slave. I think that’s handy for a hardware mixer.


You’ll be very happy with the Midas - I’m running the Venice 320 here myself and love how I can easily split all my machines up into separate outs and treat them in the console :thup:

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Thanks for the message @dobermate
Have a question though regarding routing:
I have in mind to route the 4 groups to individual ins on my soundcard (that would be 4 mono tracks right?) and also the master A out to a stereo pair on the same soundcard (this would be a stereo track right?).
I will also normally have 2 hardware external pedals for FX 1 and 2 and will probably use one of the aux to have a send to a soft FX.
Does that make any sense? I really want to be able to multitrack my machines while jamming.
Any advice you can offer would be most welcome :slight_smile:

I think it may be affecting the output level using the post, but that’s the way I have mine since I want to colour with the eq


Thank you :slight_smile:
Appreciate the feedback

I have in mind to route the 4 groups to individual ins on my soundcard (that would be 4 mono tracks right?) and also the master A out to a stereo pair on the same soundcard (this would be a stereo track right?).

Yes, that’s absolutely correct :slight_smile:

I will also normally have 2 hardware external pedals for FX 1 and 2 and will probably use one of the aux to have a send to a soft FX. Does that make any sense? I really want to be able to multitrack my machines while jamming.

Yes, so here you just need to decide if you want to use the pedals as inserts (probably on the buses) or as sends. Pros and cons both ways. I myself use dynamics/filters as inserts and then outboard FX units such as reverbs/delays as sends.

As for the multi tracking - the key here is to use the direct outs, also from the buses and then be a bit clever in terms of what to route there and what can be sent directly from the channel’s direct out. I’m recording 22 separate tracks at the same time in some cases and it’s indeed a very nice thing to do :slight_smile:

As for other tips, just maybe mentioning that I’m very happy with magnetic labels, both predefined and blank ones that I can scribble on. Using a console, that always helps with the structure :slight_smile:

Best of luck with your Midas!


Thanks mate for the writing :slight_smile:
I was actually eyeing these magnetic labels on eBay :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Now waiting for the board to arrive here…

Another thing: can I route the master the same way the groups work:
With Pan, routing a mono L or mono R from the master?

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You’re welcome :). Yes, if you use the master out the signal will correlate to the master pan control so that could be done although I’m not sure about use case :grin::+1:.

On the 320 there’s a master b out as well which is a clone of the master and this is the one I’m using for sampling duties - plugging it directly into the OT

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didn’t they do that so that you would then route the tracks back out to the mixer from your DAW to set EQ’s and level’s, then capture the stereo mix? i.e. old school recording. I get your point though, it’d be nice to have the option of which approach you want to take.


yeah, I believe so. I thought I would get into that workflow but ultimately I like EQ’ing and compressing on the way in and having less to do at final mixdown because I’m usually recording both individual tracks and the master outs at the same time. it’s a shame that it’s so close to being a super useful mixer (for me) but it really just fell short.

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Same on the 160.
Really looking forward to using this board.
Contemplating a patchbay. Or 2 :slight_smile:

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Great! Yes, I use a patchbay as well in order to switch between instruments and DAW channels

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