Mixers 2020

Here you go :slight_smile:
Just confirming options :slight_smile:
Not too sure how to use the master insert though: is it worth inserting a soft Comp/Limiter on it?

In my opinion, absolutely! I’m having a stereo set of the Klark Teknik Pultec clones that continues in to a TK Audio BC-1 SSL bus compressor clone and love to have it this way - both for sampling/tracking and mixing

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And noted :slight_smile:
Going to experiment…
Thanks for all the writing and the advice :slight_smile:
Much appreciated

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Midas 160 just landed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I hate working without a mixer. Being able to set up a halfway decent mix before hitting the computer usually saves me lots of time. Often i only turn the computer on to run the clock. Thing is if you are looking for good quality, that’s a challenge - all those base level things like the Mackies, Yamaha MG, current soundcraft line etc. don’t add much besides the convenience and some workflow(crappy pres and the eq’s aren’t great) - old consoles can be great but that’s space and maintenance nightmare (the bargains like old broadcast Studer Consoles seem to have dried up years ago) and the new options, ones that do justice to quality conversion, like that trident (above) or the Zähl, AM1, API 1608 etc are serious money.

Did you take it to the pub as a welcome gesture?



I’m thinking of letting go of my MTK12 and going for an Audient iD44, since I only use the MTK12 for recording anyway (agree with @maymind_trax that the workflow of the MTK isn’t ideal).

Might be a difficult question to answer but do you think the sound quality of the recorded sound will improve significantly with that change of audio interfacea? (I have one iD44 offered to me at 400 euro locally.)

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It’s hard to say how much difference you’ll notice. I got an MTK 22 a couple weeks ago. I wanted the convenience of having a physical mixer, which I did like a lot and just messing around with it performing stuff live, I thought sounded pretty good. I also have a 16 input Lynx Aurora, which is a very nice, somewhat high end converter. I did some basic testing running my stuff through the MTK, then the same patch ran through the Lynx and listened for differences. I played some of these a/b’s for friends and even posted one example here, I think. Some people couldn’t hear much, if any difference at all. The Lynx did sound ‘better’ in pretty much every way, but I was surprised at how the well $900 mixer did Compared to a $4k converter.
In the end I returned the mixer and will be seeking out a nicer analog mixer with direct outs so my converters can do the heavy lifting, but I think you could do a lot worse than the MTK. It’s easy to use, sounds pretty darn good and took no effort to get it to work perfectly with Logic


I haven’t used the Audient personally but I’ve heard very good things about both its converters and its preamps. Was one of the interfaces I was looking at as well. Ultimately I ended up with a Focusrite Clarett, which I like very much.


Cheers for the reply! I did listen to the snippets you posted and I think I heard a difference there but then again it’s hard to say since I knew which snippet is recorded through which gear. I thought the Lynx sounded best but like you said the difference isn’t huge by any means.

I do like the convenience of the MTK but ever since I bought a patchbay a couple months ago I haven’t had my synths ”hardwired” to the MTK channels. Rather I’ve only used a couple of synths at a time, done my routings through FX and usually through Octatrack so I’ve only ended up using two to four channels. Therefore the idea of getting something a bit more high-end and less channels, although still having the option to expand up to 20 ins with ADAT. Think I’ll probably pull the trigger but won’t yet sell the MTK.

Yeah, I also thought about a couple different Focusrites but then a friend of mine who’s a pro engineer and musician suggested I take a look at Audient and like you said, it seems to be highly praised by many. Conveniently enough there have been two iD44s for sale locally within a week for a decent price.

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I used to have a Clarett 8 pre and it sounded nice! Sold it when I got the Lynx, but kinda wish I would’ve kept it so I don’t have to unpatch my Lynx to do mobile overdubs

That sounds like a great plan!

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I have the iD14; the sound is fantastic. I’ve been after an iD44 but just got an Octatrack and can’t afford anything at the moment. I do have trouble using the iD14 with anything more than 2/2 I/O on the iPad without the mixer software, but the iD44 retains desktop settings and doesn’t have that issue. Awareness of the lower end models not being totally accessible on devices like iPads is the absolute only warning I have for the line. The sound quality changed my music in the best possible way!

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What is the latency and driver stability?

Haven’t paid any attention to the technical latency but it’s low enough to not register in my brain. I’ve had no driver or stability issues, aside from maybe once a year needing to power cycle it which may well have been due to something with my system. I recommend it whenever I see it because I’ve enjoyed the device so much, and because compared to a lot of other companies I don’t hear them brought up terribly often and hope they continue to make interfaces. Also when it first came out (when I got it) I had some technical questions, and had an instant back and forth with support that really pleased me. Haven’t spoken to them in years though so can’t say how their speed is currently; luckily haven’t needed to!

With the id4 I see the large nob is also used as a scroll wheel. Does it also work with altering nobs and faders on vsts when you hover over them?


Can only confirm in Logic, but yes it works like a mouse’s scroll wheel there (and I presume everywhere); whatever knob you’re hovering over, it controls.

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That thing is routing heaven :upside_down_face: