MnM Science Lab: 2 Step

void’s recent/ongoing MD science lab was a lot of fun and yielded some cool results and interesting realizations. Let’s try out the same limitations on the MnM!

We’ll use the same rules:

  • one Monomachine
  • one pattern
  • pattern length is 2 steps
  • live muting and tweaking is encouraged
  • creative LFO and ARP use is encouraged

Let’s have this science lab run through February and March, and in the meantime we can also discuss ideas for the next MnM Science Lab!

Now go tweak that MnM!

lol nice.

obv. we now have to take turns with all the machines :]

Two labs with the two Elektrons I own when I will be away from them for three weeks. what are the odds…

Elektron, can you overnight me a case so I can has Elektron carry on? lol…

i’m in…it has been a while since i actually used the MnM with some restrictions :joy: this is going to be fun

edit: would be nice to make a repository of some sort for all the labs we make so that things won’t get lost

I’m in to !

So, can we use all the six tracks or just one ?

Yeah, use all tracks if you want.

…can we vary BPM?

Manually - sure. Via song mode - nope. :joy:

here’s my first track for the science lab (should we post them here or in the media section/profile?)

one thing i realized whilst playing (and it was already too late to start again…just decided to record the track) is that it’s not possible to mute the arp by simply muting the track :expressionless: did a search on the forum and found this
i’ve been trying to find a fast solution to allow for breaks and such but seems like there’re few options available which take a longer route … it makes sense to have the arp working the way it works but for live situations it’s probably not the best solution… feature change for the MnM? :alien: (…need more emoticons to choose from… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

ps: f*** soundcloud normalizes the audio track! what the heck! does anyone know of any option to avoid that?
edit: not 100% sure actually…could be just the way the graphics look like

What about using the SID for the arp? You wouldn’t trigger the arp unless you played more than one note at a time.

I just took a look through the manual, looks like there is no way to control the arp over midi either. Bummer. I’d like to be able to map some of those parameters externally.

yep, tried that but is not like function+track mute … say i want to mute three tracks with arp at the same time, there’s no way to do that, even using the SID setting for the arp… i was thinking that something like function+arp+track mute could do for the arp and you’ll still be left with function+track mute for the single tracks. this way you could either mute the track itself or just the arp … having said that, i’m not sure if this is something they would consider implementing for the MnM :thinking: … just a thought though

I’ve been working on this a bit over the last few weeks. My initial attempt didn’t get very far and I kind of set it aside for a while, but I got some decent stuff going now. Hopefully I’ll finally finish a Science Lab for the first time ever.

I got gravely distracted by Dark Souls II coming out last week, but I finished the game last night, so I can peacefully go back to my modest little ambient tech jam. It’s been really fun, and I’ve done a few things with the Mono that I might not have otherwise employed without the limitations. While my track won’t be the greatest thing ever, it’s probably my favorite thing I’ve done with it in a long while. I’ll likely do a later revision of it without the Two-Step sequence (and possibly more gear).

Although the true distraction will be the arrival of my Analog Four that’s coming in tomorrow!