Mod Wheel & Breath Controller

Hello guys,
I would like to control the Mod Wheel & Breath Controller with my Novation launch control.
But unfortunately the mapping for the Mod Wheel and the Breath Controller does not work in Ableton. Why?

It should work like here in the video:

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Have you tried CC 1 for MW and CC 2 for BC?

I can’t quite follow you, can you explain it in more detail?
Launch Control and Syntakt are connected to Ableton via USB, my idea was to map the Mod Wheel and Breath Control via Overbridge, but I can’t find the parameters in Overbridge…

Sorry, I’m not familiar enough with the software in this setup to be of much more help, though I think I understand now what you’re trying to do (mapping via midi learn onto your controller?). If you’re assigning CC values directly to the midi controller, though, Mod Wheel will be CC 1 and BC is 2. There may not be an interface on the Overbridge VST for for MW/BC/AT macro controls to use with midi learn, and if there’s not, mapping to CC values would work. Maybe someone else can chime in who uses Overbridge /Ableton more than I do.


Ok, I understand… unfortunately the launch control has no midi output :confused:

Syntakt probably needs to be in midi mode not overbridge

I’ve plugged my LCXL and an elektron box into an iPad via usb and used AUM to route the LCXL midi to the Syntakt; this workaround lets you use usb midi devices without 5pin for stuff like this. There are also more dedicated devices that allow hosting usb midi devices and output via 5pin, but this was a ‘free’ solution for me since I already had the iPad, lightning to usb cck, and software required.

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Ok i understand, unfortunately I don’t use an ipad :confused:
My Interface has Midi Out

Anyway guys, I ordered the PC4 :smiley:


Make sure you post an update about using it once you’ve matched those for a while. I’m considering sneaking one of those into my collection but also considering EC4 or UC4. Very curious bout the PC4 experience directly with Syntakt. :slight_smile: I mean if you wanna be a special contributor pal like that

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hey my friend, i am still learning the syntakt! The PC4 fits perfectly, the connect is also quite simple. It is totally fun to control the Mod Wheel and Breath Control with the PC4.

I recommend the PC4 to everyone, but of course any other midi controller with a midi connection will do.
The 24 midi controllers fit perfectly on the 12 tracks of syntakt, so you have 1x Wheel Mod and 1x Breath control for each track :slight_smile:


You are a gentleman and scholar for reporting back, thanks

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