Mod wheel fine msg problem

Has anyone noticed how the a4 cannot deal with a controller that sends both coarse and fine mod wheel midi information? A4 parses well coarse midi wheel msgs but if I use my Minibrute it jumps all over the place.

Is anyone using the a4 with a Minibrute and not experiencing this?

I’ve figured it out. I’m surprised people have not run into this before at all ? The A4 cannot parse mod wheels that send 14bit info with MSB + LSB (on CC33) correctly.
I guess not a lot of people are playing keyboards with the A4 and using wheel and at? :slight_smile:

Most mod wheels uses 7 bit, PitchBend Wheel sends 14.
If I´m not wrong you can have fine resolution on your A4 using the pitch bend instead of the mod wheel.

Elektron they implemented the midi standard, which includes higher resolution mod wheel. The issue is that the implementation has a bug. I think most keyboards only send coarse information. It just so happens that Minibrute sends also fine. I think Moog synths also do but I don’t have one with a mod wheel to check.

i hadn’t known of a device sending 14bit data (except pitch bend and ignoring the a4’s data out) - but it is as discussed … for info >

to OP - i wouldn’t blindly discount the possibility (tho i guess you’ve checked with other gear) that the arturia is sending bogus info - the micro brute has a bewildering array of unfixed bugs for an analog synth ! intriguing that it has this on mb tho

I checked the midi output using midi monitor and everything looks good. Believe me, I initially thought it was a MB bug! I recapitulated the 14bit mod wheel stream using a max patch and the A4 displays the same problem. I shared the patch with elektron… doesn’t seem very high on their list, which is worrisome for me as it is a fundamental midi implementation.

I’m having the same issue with my mini brute (MIDI in to filter has odd behavior) did you get it to work?

I made a max patch to show this problem and sent it to elektron. They are aware of it but have decided not to fix it. I just checked and it the bug is still present in the latest fw.

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Hi Brunatius, did you do a formal bug fix request to Elektron? I really wish this worked…

Yes, they had no interest in fixing it.

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Still broken in 2022. This would have been really useful for high resolution modulations from external midi hardware.