Modal Argon8 – 8 voice polyphonic wavetable synthesiser

Well. Got some time this morning for the first proper play. A fairly obvious statement, but the potential for interesting timbres is vast. UI is pretty good too - with next to no manual reading I’ve found my way around it.

Obviously phone mic doesn’t give you the full detail, but here’s the first patch I made.


This is nothing in particular, just learning the noise-makers.


Sometimes it’s fun to have and use the same gear as someone who really inspires you. No one’s famous for using a spoon, although some people are infamous for it :-p


Very cool sounds!
Thanks for sharing these clips!

And if you find an easy way to get direct feed audio, go for it :slight_smile:

I hear a ton of variation in those clips, and it’s very encouraging.
At the end of the 2nd one when you add the filter with distortion it sounds vast (1:05 - 1:10).
I’ve said this before, but I really like the character of their default filter.

When I have a bit more time (2 small children, so Xmas is full on!) I’ll track some Audio properly. The modulation UI isn’t a million miles away from the much lauded hydra - you select the modulator, then touch the destination, and you’re done. Very easy.

Yep - definitely a busy time of year.

I really like that buttons are mod sources, and the knobs are mod destinations.
You basically click a button, then twist a knob, done.

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Already planning future patches :joy: want to try using a s&h lfo 2 to modulate the rate of lfo 1, modulating the wave shape of the osc 1, then doing the reverse to modulate osc 2.

The piano preset is so lovely.


A nod to @ylva too

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FWIW - I sent this to Modal.
And yes I’m going out of my mind waiting for my Argon8 to arrive :slight_smile:


“One thing I would love to see is open-source wav mods, basically a friendly SDK to build them. Could be a killer tab to have in the Modal app to upload and test community wav mods on your Argon8. Also to me this is far more interesting than adding more wavetables”


The more I think about it, the idea of “wav mods” to mathematically twist the entire wavetable before you use it, is damn clever. I bet they would be far easier to code than an osc mod which truly is DSP.

My first idea for a custom wav mod would be to subtract the other wavetable, so that you are left with the difference between them. None of the current wav mods use the other wavetable, so that might not be possible, plus it’s most likely that we’ll never have the ability to write custom wav mods, but hey… just dreaming…

Edit: Modal wrote me back to say they are going to discuss it internally.

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Can’t modify one LFO with the other.


Have emailed requesting. I’ve been spoiled by Elektron functionality!

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What? That’s one of those most basic of operations, and super useful. Lots of synths have that built in besides Elektron.

ADDED: Are you sure? I don’t own an Argon8 but looking at the User Manual pages 34 - 37 shows LFO1, LFO2 as part of the 11 Mod-Matrix sources. I haven’t figured out if an ‘X’ in the Modulation table means allowed or prohibited, but since the relationship between LFO1 and LFO2 shows both ‘X’ and blanks some sort of modulation between LFOs must be permitted.

I must be missing something with what you wrote – or there’s something else going on here.

Well, unless I’m being a div (which is perfectly possible) then it can’t be done on the Argon8. Will wait to see what they reply with - it certainly isn’t possible in the normal way of mod-selection as per the UI anyhow.

Just reading the very same now! Ok, looks like you can mod LFO 1 with LFO 2, but not vice versa. You can bet your life I tried the opposite when I was playing the other day. Will have a go and report back.

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Right! Manual makes no sense. You can mod LFO 2 with 1.

Yeah it looks like there is some sort of thing you can do between the two.

(I own the Hydrasynth – so i am gob-smacked with the limitations shown in that table. With the HS you’ve got 5 LFOs, and 5 Envelopes you can use like LFOs, and they all can modulate each other – and you can even modulate how much they modulate each other. That’s right the Mod-Matrix amount is a destination of the Mod-Matrix! I am envious of the computer based editor on the Argon8 at the moment, but it should be coming soon, [fingers crossed]. That said i still think there is a lot to be admired in the Argon8!)

Have to say, it sounds pretty great though, and that’s my major reservation with everything I’ve heard of the hydra in demo. I’ve really tried to love that, and just can’t quite. Sounds sort of hollow somehow. I expect it’d be different in person mind you.

Just trying the LFO thing out on the argon while my wife gets my lads to sleep, and have stumbled on something very promising. Tech Noir anyone?

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I agree that mod chart is a bit surprising, and feels pretty limiting (esp compared to Hydra and VSTs). Also I believe you can not map the Amp Env or Filter Env to additional destinations, so you really have 1 Env with no looping, or different segment curves. It’s a polyphonic mod env which is good, and each mod slot has it’s own depth, but modulation capability is an area of Argon8 that feels light IMO (but I have no hands on experience yet).

In their defense - the sequencer with 4 lanes was likely added vs more LFOs and Envelopes, so it’s a different take on things. We’ve all used LFO’s and Envelopes, so if you could add 1 more LFO and 2 more Mod Envelopes, and have 16 mod slots (4 fixed, 12 assignable) would we want that vs the sequencer?

Looking again at the chart with the machine nearby, the X’s are the mods that you can’t do. All the blank boxes are essentially ticks.

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