Modal Argon8 – 8 voice polyphonic wavetable synthesiser

FWIW - I asked Modal about 6 oscillators per voice vs 4. I don’t know if I’ll get an answer but I’m quietly hoping there was a slight upgrade to the processing power late in the cycle. This could be one reason for the the $50 increase in price.

If you noticed Jackson said multiple times that Argon8 has 48 oscillators and allocates 6 per voice. He also alluded to coding efficiencies and “other opportunities” giving them more power to work with.

Yes this is conspiracy theory stuff, and wishful thinking, but if it’s true it hints at some nice future potential. My guess (with no inside knowledge) is that they did get a 20-30% increase in capability and started leveraging it, but rolled back to more conservative specs to finish for launch.

Another possibility is that 6 osc per voice didn’t yield a lot of sonic benefit vs 4, and they used the capacity in other areas.

Another possibility (which I hope is wrong) is that they opted to use lower spec hardware to save money in the final production units.

And the most likely possibility is that none of this is right :laughing:

Edit: Modal answered my question and confirmed that they did pursue 6 osc per voice when they had DSP gains, but determined that increasing the quality of 4 osc per voice gave better results, and left room for other features.

It might be a small thing, but a person who claims they have an Argon8 noted that the sides are plastic and not bamboo as advertised.

It doesn’t matter to me as long as the new material is good quality.
I thought emphasizing bamboo end cheeks as a feature was odd anyway.
It’s like saying “and it has vulcanized cork feet vs rubber like others use”
Sourcing the bamboo and QC could have been the real reason for the slight delay.

He also said the build is very good overall, knobs are fine with only a slight wobble, and that it’s heavier than he expected.

Edit: Multiple people in the UK have them now, and build quality is turning into a strength vs a weakness. In fact no one has said it feels “cheap” and have only said that it feels solid and well built (esp the keybed).

I should have mine on Wednesday… will report back. Some time after Xmas dinner :joy:

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I just got confirmation from sweetwater that if Modal sends the expected allotment next week, then I made it into the first run. Wooohoo! …:grinning: … but if they send less I could be waiting for a while, as I’m towards the end of the queue. :tired_face:

Well, it’s very pretty! Not even turned it on yet though. It’s very heavy, and very solid. Knobs have no more wiggle than my two voice pro - greatly exaggerated. Ends do appear to be plastic mind, though very hard to tell.


Have now plugged in. Headphones only, but oof! Sounds lovely! Should add, keybed is very nice too. Guessing the show prototypes were a way off this, as it feels premium throughout



Can you tell me if you set wave 2 to PWM, can you still use an osc mod? for example phase mod.

I know you can’t use a wav mod on the extra waves that wave 2 can access, but I want to know if osc mods are still available.

Looks amazing! And also looking forward to hearing any specific impressions on how it sounds.

Not sure why the volume knob is a regular sized one. Others have said that, but the one in loopops video has the larger one like filter.

Very first impression is that the bottom end is huge. Really weighty sounding. Yet to do anything other than flick through presets… but as soon as I can, I will!


Wow, give us more impressions, strong point, weak points in sound…!

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You should be able to get 002 sounds from the Argon --exactly
a couple of my favourites

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Argon is based on the 002 tech (only difference is DSP rather than NCO’s but the 002 waveforms are included–The 002’s NCOs have nearly 50 source wave-forms ! )


Beautiful synth, can’t wait to hear more! C’mon Sweetwater no whammies.


Of course not. The 002 is all analog path with NCO’s and the Argon is all digital with DSP oscillators. Big difference and is reflected in the price.
Used by J. J. Abrams in Star Wars

I reckon the Argon will be close enough!

It does sound nice and like a cousin.!

He certainly named a planet after a synth, but it’s a Black Corporation one.

Ive never understood this weird thing regarding ‘famous’ people using synths.’
Sure it helps if you want a similar sound to identify a synth , but means nothing else
I see it a lot on for sale adverts but it’s just a lame attempt to add value.
It’s not like using the same synth as famous person will give you same exposure,if anything it’ll just show a lack of originality by sounding like an already established artist.

He probably uses a spoon to eat with too … just imagine if I used a spoon !!! , I might be famous one day.


I think they just want to say it is good instrument used in music people like. For me it is bad way to advertise, as much people like this music, there is this other group of people, that has no feelings toward this movies or artists. … Maybe, if i had degree in psychology, i would argue they feel insecure haha
After all they compete Roland, Dave Smith, Korg, Clavia, Moog and others. who can blame them?
I like Argon 8 a lot, sounds and looks great. To me